Cloudy Pool is about to drive me over the edge

Jun 6, 2018
Parkersburg, WV
My boyfriend has a pool that he set up late last summer so it was only swam in once and then a tarp was put over it for the winter (leaving the water in it). When he went to open it up this year about 2-3 weeks ago the water was still clear but in the process of taking off the tarp (because he tried to do it by some of the old yucky green water on top of the tarp went into the pool and turned the water green.....well as bad as it looked it didn't really take long for us to get the green to go away but it is so cloudy you can't see the bottom and I figure it has to do with getting the chemicals balanced because I've been trying forever to get them to balance and I just can't get it. I'm about to lose it and boyfriend, who doesn't care about having the pool and hates all the money I've spent in chemicals is about to double lose it....hahahaha

Here's some info. Pool is a 16' X 42" round vinyl pool. We don't have the cheap filters that come with it, we have a sand filter (not sure what kind) hooked up to it. The biggest problem I've noticed by using test strips is that of all the tests that I have done in just the last week (9 total) the stabilizer has read zero EVERY time but one and the Total Chlorine has read 10 EVERY time, no matter what any of the thing ones read. Also of the 9 tests I've done the Total Hardness and Free Chlorine have been in the ideal range 7 out of 9 times and the Total Alkalinity was in the ideal range 5 out of the 9 times. I think (from all the reading I have done in the last week or so) that it might have to do with the has read 6.2 every time except for 3 times it read 6.8. I have even tried adding PH up a few times. Not sure if I'm just not getting enough in there or what because for example the bottle I have it says to add say 12 ozs......well I don't really have a way to measure it exact so I kinda guess with an 8 oz bottle.

I did read about adding stabilizer and added that throw the skimmer (like the directions on the bottle 2 nights ago. I've read you can retest that after 48 hours but I've also read you should wait a week to retest it. So not sure if I should do anything more (with PH or chlorine) right now or wait out the time and check the stabilizer before checking anything else. I'm just at a loss as what to do. Boyfriend wants me to just drain it and forget about it but I don't want to. I had thought about draining it all out and refilling it with new water but boyfriend says that probably wouldn't help and would give us a huge water bill so as I said just not sure where to go from here....any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated :)
First, you need a decent test kit, like the one in my signature. Once you know your real numbers, we can help you get it balanced and you aren’t going to need a bunch of pool store potions!
Yep, that’s the right one. I know it costs more, but that’s because it has more reagents in it, so you don’t have to order replacements as soon.

To clear your pool, you HAVE to be able to test your FC, CYA, and PH. Not with test strips - they aren’t accurate.

Look at it this way... how much have you already spent on chemicals that have done no good? When you know your numbers, you will use regular bleach, CYA (available at Home Depot and Walmart) and muriatic acid (Home Depot). You might need baking soda or borax now and then. That’s it!
Well I guess I'll have to be sad and go without my pool for awhile then cause I definitely can't afford that right now but as soon as I can I will be back and let you know :) Thanks for replying. Oh and one last thing, do you think draining it and refilling it would do any good at all? Just curious?
In the very short run draining it will at least get rid of the current water, but you will soon be back in a bind without the ability to test the water.

You could try to cobble together enough of a kit to get by. You need the FAS-DPD chlorine test, a PH test, and a CYA test. Not strips. You should also test TA, but could probably manage for a short time without. And you will want to test CH at some point.

Just know that if you buy in bits and pieces, you may actually spend more.
Okay well I was just wondering because last year, though it was only up for about a month we tested it with test strips and didn't have a problem, the water stayed clear so I just thought maybe by draining it and cleaning it out and putting new water in that it might work but guess I will just try to get that test kit as soon as I can. Thanks :)
I hear ya about being strapped financially. Its usually week to week over here with us too.

Although Ivery strongly reccomend the Taylor K-2006 or the TF-100 to do the FAS-DPD test to properly initiate a SLAM to clear a pool. You might be able to squeak by with a HTH 6 way test kit or Chlorox whoever makes them now?.. From Walmart for about $15. Problem is, that 6-Way test kit doesn't register FC higher than 5ppm, and you are lucky you get 2 tests out of tge CYA test, so you have to be sure. You ideally want to keep the CYA between 30-50ppm

The test strips are unreliable, and expensive. Before you go adding any more conditioner, please at least get a basic test kit and measure your CYA to determine the CYA level so you know what FC normal and shock levels to maintain.

In the meantime it probably wouldnt hurt to add 1/2 gallon of bleach to the pool everyday or every other day until you have a reliable test kit. Run the filter 24/7 or if you have to be electric conscious too, run your pump off peak hours, which may vary to your electric provider from nightfall to morning.

What will also help is a skimmer sock, hairnets, or womens nylons over the skimmer basket to filter out some fine debris.
Well I think I'm just going to try to get one of those tests in the next week or so. I actually added shock last night and tested this morning and it showed but total chlorine and free chlorine at a 10 and the free chlorine had pretty much always been in the ideal range (on the test strips) so I don't think I should add any bleach, do you? And yeah I think I will try to find something to put over the skimmer basket like you suggested because there are a few trees near it so we do have alot of small leaves and etc that get in it. I try to clean it out daily but sometimes don't get to it every day.

Thanks for you info :)
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