Cloudy blue - unknown reason


Bronze Supporter
May 22, 2023
North Tonawanda, NY
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite Pro (T-15)
I opened the pool a week ago it was a green mess. I also found part of what I think was a bunny that must have gotten under the cover and totally dissolved other than some bones, that a robot picked up.

CYA -40 ish
FC - 13.5 but just added
CC - 0
PH -7.8 (chlorine very high so I don’t trust it)
TA - 80
CH - 150
Temp -72f
Salt 3100
Pool - vinyl 18.5k

Been doing a slam with little loss of chlorine. Passed a OCLT, even with the sunrise at 5:30 and the test at 7:30.

I have scrubbed all the walls the floor etc, vacuumed daily, ran a robot basically 6 hour a day with ultra fine filters since Wednesday. Pump running 24/7, sock on the skimmer basket. Yesterday morning I took the entire sand filter apart and spent 3 hours deep cleaning the sand. I took the ladder all the jets, and filter apart and scrubbed them all for algae or organics. Put it back together and have been running with FC at or near SLAM.

Problem: I am not clearing up and seem to have stalled for 3 days. I see no real particles in the water at this point it is just very cloudy to the point I can’t see the main drain or floor on the deep side.

Other consideration I have a 244 sand filter, but the sand bed is about 11.5 inches from the top so I think I have lost some and need to add. Going to try to source some sand today. I don’t have DE to add so haven’t tried that.

Considering the possibility that because of the presumed bunny I might need some clarifier to help get out stuff smaller that the sand filter can get. I see that SeaKlear looks like a good product if I can get it.

Am I missing something? This just doesn’t feel like it’s clearing as I would expect or experienced last year. It feel like this is not necessarily living organic stuff at this point and I am catching almost nothing (no stuff on the socks no notable pressure increase in sand filter).

Thanks in advance.
Other consideration I have a 244 sand filter, but the sand bed is about 11.5 inches from the top so I think I have lost some and need to add. Going to try to source some sand today
Yes. Ensure it's at the top of the vertical wall where the curved lid starts.
I don’t have DE to add so haven’t tried that.
I'd find some. :)

Sounds like you have dirt /pollen / dead algae to remove, or possibly all 3. DE will speed that along.
Yes. Ensure it's at the top of the vertical wall where the curved lid starts.

I'd find some. :)

Sounds like you have dirt /pollen / dead algae to remove, or possibly all 3. DE will speed that along.
I had same problem this year. DE was a big help. Seemed like I needed moe than discussed in the forums to get the pressure to rise more than 3 psi. Kept the SLAM up. Patience was also necessary. Good luck.
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Update for anyone interested:

I added about 48 lbs sand, I am bad at pouring in the tight space that the filter is in and lost two ish. Comparing the new sand to the old sand I am not sure the quality of the existing sand or frankly if it was even pool sand. (Came with the house). If I keep having issues I might try to cycle out the sand out but it did work last year. I question the quality though as the material seems smaller on the existing sand and I did have some ejected from the return lines last season. Seeing as though I really don’t want to sand blast my heat exchanger I am considering a swap.

After adding the sand it seems to be clearing a little better and I got over the stall. I added 1/2 a cup of the “evil flour” (DE)to start with and that seems to be helping speed it up, I am apprehensive to go to an amount to raise 2 psi right now given my availability to watch it closely today.

I passed the overnight test again, and I think everything is super dead just needs time to mechanically filter. I am considering letting FC come down to a less itchy level while just letting it filter dead stuff. I know that’s not technically the criteria to end the SLAM, but if I pass again for a third night and keep clearing I might let it fall so it’s usable when filtered and don’t have to wait for the sun.