Closing AG - check FC after adding polyquat?


Bronze Supporter
May 6, 2017
Hudson Valley, New York
Hi all,
First TFP closing here...thanks to all of you the pool water this year was perfect :D
I'm closing tomorrow (I know I should wait for 60 degrees but it's not possible this year), and the FC is already at shock level (CYA= 50, shock level = 20, FC = 21.5).
I'm adding polyquat60 because I'm closing early.
The pool school article suggests adding poly60 after the water is lowered, and to distribute it by brushing it around.
Others have suggested that poly60 lowers the FC, so the FC should be checked and raised again to shock level while pump is still working before closing.
So...check FC again after poly60 or not?

Thanks for the advice...
It would be better to check again after the water temp drops below 60. Then add more FC if needed and use a submersible pump, brush or paddle to add more FC if needed.
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