Cleaned filters left standing in sunlight for months


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 4, 2009
Flower Mound/Texas
I have left my cleaned filters standing in sunlight for a few months. Is it necessary to soak them in anything? Could any algae still be alive in the filter? The filters are basically all white again and I wanted to change out the ones currently in use. In the past I have soaked in dish detergent before reinstalling them. I just don't fell like doing this right now, too much other stuff going on.
Charlie, I don't think algae would be a problem at this point. What may be a problem is if the UV rays may have weakened the filter fabric in any way?

Give'em a try! If they are damaged you'll see signs of it soon enough with debris coming back into the pool or something.

Maddie :flower:
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