Chlorine drop to ~0 ppm after calcium addition. UPDATE: Now with controlled test.

I used 21 lbs of the same brand, around the same time, from Amazon and didn’t have any issues. It’s a strange phenomenon for sure. I pre mixed mine in a 5 gallon bucket (I know, frowned upon), 5 lbs at a time. Don’t see how that could make a difference for the FC loss, but idk….
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Brian, for science, would you be open to mixing the calhypo in a beaker or testtube of distilled water, test FC of a sample of it, then add another calibrated amount of calhypo and test to see how it affects the FC?

We can as a group figure out what the exact amounts and method needs to be, but there seems to be a conflict between members about the effect calhypo should have on FC and this could be a fantastic experiment and handson investigation to address that conflict
Understandable. unfortunately with clueless resellers like Robelle we will now never know what the rest of the ingredients were and how the calcium chloride behaves. Maybe next time I will buy some calcium chloride if WM stops selling me LC for $6/gal shipped to my door
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