Changing "inlet" on Jandy three way valve

Jun 13, 2007
Houston, TX
I am getting ready to hard plumb a new AGP, and received my Jandy valves this afternoon. One thing immediately became apparent - the plumbing layout I will use will require the "inlet" port of my three way valve to be moved 90 degrees clockwise from where it is now, to one of the other two ports. I've been reading the forums, and see that it is possible to remove the cover and rotate the valve. However, it seems other folks noted that was NOT something to be done lightly, or by a beginner.

That actually confuses me because the installation instructions TELL you "the internal valve assembly must be removed prior to gluing valve body to pipe fittings." That is what I planned to do. I suppose many/most of these valves are installed by professionals, but surely with all the advice for people to use them, there must be any number of DIYers installing them. Are all the DIYers disregarding that warning and not worrying about getting glue in places you don't want? Do I really need to worry about removing the screws on the cover and lifting/reinserting the valve assembly? Is it really rocket science? :)
No, just open it and put it back together making sure the O rings are properly seated.
super simple and a must do. if you get glue inside on the diverter it will melt the gasket material and then not seal. dont overthink it you will be surprised after you open it up how simple. when you reinstall when you tighten screws go opposite and let it tighten the cover from diff screw locations dont crank just one then to another
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