Cartridge filters, How long do they last ??


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
Upstate, NY
How long would the average cartridge filter last ?? I just noticed my heater "LO" light goes on now at 2000 rpms. I tested the flow when new and I could go as low as 1700 rpms with my VS pump. Just for safety sake I increased the rpms to 2000. The pool only has been opened for two weeks now and I'm thinking the filters are dirty. The gauge on the filter doesn't indicate high pressure either. Just curious. Thx
And when the pump is off, is it zero?

You may just look for a 20-25% pressure rise up at a higher RPM to know when to clean. I would think 3000 should be high enough.
Oh, yes yes zero when its off. The filters are only a year old as well as the pool. I was thinking when the PB laid the stamped concrete all of that powder dye stuff they use to color it went into my filter and damaged it. I did clean the filters last year. They were pretty dirty. I guess the heater can be pretty finicky when it comes to flow.
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