Cannot Get Water Clear


May 22, 2024
Chicago Suburbs
This is my first season with my 12,000 gallon saltwater, fiberglass pool. It was clear upon opening the first two weeks. It has been cloudy the last 3 weeks. Despite having a pool service come every other week, I am not seeing improvement. In between visits, I take the water to our pool store, and they keep telling me to add more shock. I would like to enjoy my pool, but am so frustrated. I am still learning, and from my research it sounds like I need to get my CYA in order. Please help!pool store readings.jpgdip strip reading.jpg
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You likely need to follow the SLAM Process. To do that, you need a proper test kit. I suggest the TF-100/Pro or Taylor K2006C. A proper test kit is needed to get the accurate water chemistry results needed to follow the TFP protocols.

While you are waiting on your test kit, add 5 ppm FC worth of liquid chlorine / plain bleach to your pool each evening with the pump running. This will replenish the FC lost each day to the sun and also inhibit any algae in the water from growing further.
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
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Use the Pool Math app and it will tell you how much chlorine you need to get to 5PPM based on your pool size.
For my pool, 1 gall on chlorine is 5.3 PPM and my pool is about 24,000. If you are using 12.5% bleach, that's about 1/2 gallon.
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Let's double check your TA test.

Did you use a 25ML sample?

The test took 25 drops before it changed color?

Your TA is 250 an$ nit 2500.

Your high TA and CSI is causing the flakes.

  1. Rinse and fill sample tube to 25ml mark.
  2. Add 2 drops R-0007; swirl to mix.
  3. Add 5 drops R-0008; swirl to mix. Solution should turn green or blue.
  4. Add R-0009 one drop at a time, swirling continuously, 1-2 sec between drops. Repeat until color changes, and stops changing.
  5. The last drop that caused a change is the drop count. Multiply #drops by 10 to get TA.
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