Came home to slightly green & cloudy pool


Jul 27, 2017
New Jersey
Was on vacation for a couple days, come home to find a slightly green/cloudy pool. I think my husband left the swg off when he cleaned the filter last Tuesday. I tested the chlorine & it was 0. So far I’ve added about 1.75 gallons of 10% chlorine about 1/2 gal at a time. It kept showing 0 or only 1 FC. After the last 1/2 gallon it’s finally up to 7 and looks a bit clearer. This was over the past couple hours since 11 this morning (it’s now almost 1pm)

My question is about CYA. I tested that after adding the chlorine but it didn’t get cloudy at all after adding the R-0013. (Taylor kit k-2006). The problem is the best by date isb08/20. I know I added enough stabilizer when we opened it so do you think it is really 0 or is it the test kit expired? Can you test cya after adding chlorine?

I want to get this fixed asap but I’m not sure what to do since it would take days to order a new test kit. I’ve only got 1/2 gallon of chlorine left. Any advice for what I should do? Just buy more chlorine and keep adding it for a couple days? If the water looks clear how soon can we swim again? I’ve got 3 annoyed kids who were supposed to have a back to school pool party today, is there no hope for them?
You test kit is probably ok.

You need to add 30 ppm of stabilizer/CYA.

You need to stock up on liquid chlorine.

And you need to follow the SLAM Process step by step without shortcuts.

You can swim as long as FC is below SLAM FC level.
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I’ve got 3 annoyed kids who were supposed to have a back to school party today, is there no hope for them?
If you can see the bottom of the pool, let them swim. Get the CYA dissolving and maintain FC at or above 5 ppm until after the party.
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