Bought a 10 year old pool. Wish me luck.


Aug 30, 2023
Scottsville, VA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Neighbor didn't want his anymore, so I've drug it to my house, sand and all. 10 year old liner only had a couple of small holes, but I realize it's probably not long for this world.

Put foam between the sand and liner because my sand isn't as clean as new.

It's reassembled on flat earth, liner is in. I've got to pipe it up and fill it this weekend.

Here's hoping it all goes well. Kids are anxious.

Never had a pool before. TF test kit ordered. Ladder on the way. Going to pick up some bleach and conditioner this week.

Figure I'll get to lay it up for winter in a few weeks.

If we like it, I'll build a deck, etc. in the spring. If not, I suppose it'll have to go down the road.
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The liner will be $350(?) and theoretically last considerably longer than a new intex. You'd need to find the intex on clearance to compete with the cost, although this time of year it's certainly possible.
Oh no!
Sorry I didn’t see this in time-
ALWAYS get a new liner if putting up a used pool. Unless the liner is brand new & you are only draining & refilling within a day or so. Old liners simply don’t stretch.

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I see people selling used pools all the time on fb marketplace & saying “the liner is still in great shape” it always makes me cringe. Sadly Very few people warn or even know that you must get a new liner.
Figured I'd try the old one first. Knew what could happen.
Not to be a Debbie Downer but Thats a dangerous game-
If its the 12k gal pool in your signature that’s over 100k pounds of water weight that can unpredictably be let loose endangering people & property.
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