Baqua out

this is what I used..Pro Guard 23793BPG Cellulose Fiber Replaces D.E. Filter Media for Swimming Pools, 3-Pound had the instructions on the label for being added to a sand filter for a pool.... I will go out and take full measurements and take a picture...will post shortly.

If you can tonight, can you try an OCLT to see just what's going on with your pool? Also, what test kit are you using?
At that FC the pH test will not work at all. So you can disregard any pH numbers. You could dilute the pool water sample in half with DISTILLED water to try to get a better pH reading but it will still be less than accurate.

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So your water is clean of anything that would consume FC and it looks like you're dealing with clearing problem of fine suspended particulates.

I don't know enough about the cellulose fiber alternative to say if it works the same as actual DE when applied to a sand filter. Perhaps others who have used it in their sand filters can comment.

Another thought is this - broken or cracked laterals in your sand filter. In other SLAM threads I have participated in, persistent cloudy water after a successful SLAM with a sand filter was sometimes attributed to damaged laterals in the sand filter. It might be worth a shot to shutoff the pump and take apart the filter to make sure it is working properly. With the filter off, you can see if the stuff causing the haze stays suspended or sinks to the bottom. If it turns out the stuff stays suspended then this might be a case where a clarifier or flocculant is needed but I would not suggest use of those chemicals unless the experts on TFP thought it was the right approach as well.

So my front-up approach would be to tear down the filter and inspect for damage to the laterals and gaskets in the multiport valve.

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i tore the filter apart when we found and replaced the lateral and we also replaced the gaskets in the valve. I believe all of the sand is out of the pool at this point. If it wasn't for the expense I would replace the sand with a cartridge filter, but our pool size would require an expensive filter.... :(

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I'm somewhat at a loss. Part of me says your water is clean from a chemical standpoint (CCs<0.5 ppm and OCL ~ 0ppm) and so you no longer need to maintain shock level FC but I'm not sure why your clarity is so far off even after adding cellulose fiber to the sand filter. I've only ever heard of using DE in a sand filter, not cellulose fiber. Therefore I'm suspect of cellulose until someone confirms that it is equally as good as DE in a sand filter.

I'd like to know if your particulates stay suspended or sink. You could shutoff circulation overnight (maintain your FC) and see what happens. Perhaps if the stuff settled out, then you could vacuum to waste to get rid of it.

If the stuff stays suspended, then I'd have to defer to the senior experts here who know if a clarifier will work for your situation.

Sorry, wish I could be more definitive.

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During this recent test you performed for fine particles, I would assume that anything that could've settled would have by now.

I agree with @Texas, if anything settled, the it already has. We need help from the "big guns" on this. TFP Experts, any help here please??

Here's what is in my head but by no means should be taken as actionable unless a TFP Expert approves (I'm not a real doctor, I just play one on TV ...) -

1. Let your FC come down to target levels and then do the full battery of tests to see if any of the numbers are way off;

2. Try using pool grade DE in the filter instead of cellulose;

3. Try a clarifier to bind up and suspend the fine particulates so the filter can more easily catch them.

That's all I've got. Again, please check with a Senior TFP'er on this, I'm not qualified/experienced enough to be certain any of those suggestions are the right course.

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I would hope that they would see all these posts at the top of the "What's New" queue but if that fails you could send either Tim5055 or leebo a private message (PM) and ask for help.

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I've been looking at this post too, and really the only thing that jumps to me is the low pH level. This however shouldn't cause cloudy water.

Can you please help confirm these following questions?
  • Your CYA level is currently at thirty
  • Your FC level is being maintained at 21
  • You passed the OCLT last night with zero FC loss
  • Your pump is running 24/7

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