Attempting to SLAM for first time...


Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2018
Still pretty green at all of this but starting to slowly get more and more. Ive had a heck of a time keeping my chlorine up and my pH down. After daily checking and adding of 10% bleach and muriatic acid via pool math I was finally starting to not add so much everyday. I just recently cleaned my cartridge filter for first time since we moved in and I think that was part of my problem. They were all covered in green. I spent two days cleaning each one thoroughly (cleaned tank and ring, and greased with proper lube). Need to replace two cartridges pretty soon but they'll work for now. My filter pressures were much better afterwards. I assume that was also devouring my chlorine? I've had running issues with some small cases of wall algae if I got lazy on my weekly scrubbing and I just recently discovered the black dots that keep increasing on pool bottom are black algae (man that stuff is a pain to scrub). The spots have been there for months and before I started being more consistent with keeping my pH down and chlorine up they started increasing in volume. My biggest flaw this year has been consistency. My water has always been clear but before I was anal about pH, chlorine, and getting my TA down, it would sometimes get a turqouise hue to it. Past few weeks, especially since cleaning filter has kept it a pretty clear to almost blue hue. Algae appearing on walls has been very minimal, and mainly in the crevices or corners.

Since I was getting pretty close to my goal, I decided to get in and do a thorough scrub tonight before sunset of all the black spots and starting to SLAM to hopefully kill the black algae once and for all, and maybe any other algae hanging out still

My original numbers this morning were:
FC: 5.5
CC: 0.5
TC: 6
CH: 275
pH: 7.5
TA: 100 (down from 125 last week)
CYA: 50-60
Salt: 3200 (not sure if my SWG is working properly or at all (aka, my next homework assignment) but lights on it indicate it's ok, especially after I got my salt back up from 2100 last week. I seem to lose salt more than the average joe. And at different times my check cell light blinks (other times it doesn't).

I do have the test kit from here.

I dumped 4 gallons of Walmart 10% liquid chlorine tonight with filter running, and this is where I'm still not sure if I'm where I should be. I'm still a bit confused on the chart. Does this seem to be enough liquid chlorine or to little, to much? Was going to check where it's at it again tomorrow morning before I start a scrubbing again (this time from outside of the pool).
So it looks like you are just now starting to get the hang of things. But let's go back to the proper SLAM Process key points:
- PH is supposed to be lowered to 7.2 before starting the SLAM. So the next time your FC is below 10, validate/adjust the pH first.
- With a CYA of 60, you look at the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA] and see that the SLAM/Shock level is 24. You have to maintain that FC of 24 until all 3 SLAM criteria have passed.
- On that SLAM Process page, you have to follow all the other recommendations to brush daily, sometimes more than once, vacuum as needed, and when the filter pressure increases by about 25% from it's clean (baseline) pressure, clean the filter.
- Also make sure to inspect any areas around the pool that could be a haven for stagnant water and algae (ladders, steps, behind lights, etc). Leave nothing to chance.
- The SWG can be off at this time. SWGs are not designed to sustain such an elevated FC level which is why regular bleach is so important for a SLAM. So give the SWG a break and keep lots of bleach on-hand until you pass the SLAM.

Good luck!
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