at what water temperature does algae start to grow in pool water

Curious how you missed the timing prepping of your pool when you let it go and got surprised with a green pool. Is it covered? Or not somewhere you don't see it regularly?
It was a combination of things.. And that was back in the day when I was trying to figure out the most efficient way with dealing with the pool, and the family (4 kids in 5 years), and the job.. etc. You know life in general!
No the pool is not covered (well sometimes) but its not obviously visible from inside the house. For example I can only see the surface of the water from inside the house not the bottom. Second, I would get lulled into the false sense of security because the water "looked clear". Exactly what you are claiming. What I didn't realize is how much stuff was just precipitating to the bottom and once I stirred it up and started sweeping, all that gunk made up of dead and live algae and nutrient compounds would get mixed into the water column from its chilly semi-hibernation on the bottom. Now its a perfect soup for an algae bloom and I can't kill it fast enough. So now I have figured out the minimal amount I need in the winter to run the pumps and sweep and FC and testing to keep that from happening come spring. I just don't want you to get lulled into a similar false sense of security, for whatever reason. Every pool is different, so yours will have its own idiosyncrasies.

I never had to do the CYA dance since 1) we get winter rains that dilute things our for us. 2) I had always used liquid CL to chlorinate. My local mom and pop pool store sold chlorine in bulk returnable bottles. I only used biscuits when I had a coupon... Once I got the SWG, the floater never got put back in the pool. But I really didn't completely understand the relationship between CYA and FC and the sun and the moon and the planets until I started hanging out here.

@duraleigh Thanks for the props, Dad!
My pool, for what ever reason, doesn't use any FC over the winter. In the past I had a floater with a few tablets but this year I left it alone and just checked it every few weeks.
I do know that in GA pollen and temps jump in a couple weeks and it gets ugly if not ahead so I start bringing my levels up mid march. Wish the SWG would work with 49 degree water :)

I also used low dose of polyquat which maybe what helping.
What I didn't realize is how much stuff was just precipitating to the bottom and once I stirred it up and started sweeping, all that gunk made up of dead and live algae and nutrient compounds would get mixed into the water column from its chilly semi-hibernation on the bottom. Now its a perfect soup for an algae bloom and I can't kill it fast enough.
Ah that explains it. No, I keep bottom clean, filter clean, all systems running as intended. I didn't realize you were letting debris pile up. Glad you found your way out of the swamp.
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