Aqua logic SWG transformer HOT and humming when off


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May 16, 2009
Pleasanton, CA
Hi Aqua Logic/Pro Logic folks,

When the SWG is off, Its transformer in my old aqua logic PS-8 gets hot and makes constant low humming sound I can hear 2 feet away. Top right of The metal box is warm to the touch because of it. Is this normal?

When SWG is running, it gets hotter. I just replaced the GLX-PCB-MAIN board with a newer board revision (F->N, I followed new transformer wiring which is a bit different) Here’s some diagnostics readings at 50%. based on the readings, my wiring should be correct right?
Whether is warming, I want to start using the SWG but concerned about overheating it.


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What is your salt level as measured by a K-1766 Salinity Test?

Amperage and thus heat from the transformer is directly proportional to the power used.

Hayward systems have know problems overheating that burn out components and solder joints. That is why I recommend the Hayward SWG's be run at the low end of the salt range- around 2800-3000 ppm.

How old is your Aquaplus? What is the serial number?

Check the voltage and amperage from the transformer with the cell on and off.

Shut off power to the control box.

Disconnect the blue, white, gray and
violet wires from the main board and measure the resistance between the Blue & White wires and the Violet & Gray wires.

The readings should be 2.0 - 2.9 Ohms.

If the readings of either of the two measurements are not 2.0 – 2.9 Ohms, the transformer is faulty and should be replaced (GLX-XFMR).
Thanks guys. Salt test 2850, but this noise/heat is always there whether swg is on or off. This did not happen with old board.

Aqua logic box serial looks like 2004 model. Old board has 1 yellow and 1 orange terminal, new (used, ebay) board has 2 yellow and 2 orange terminals. Connection to rectifiers has changed. I followed new wiring instructions in attached pics.

I will get some measurements and post back.


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Clamp Amp meter is on order, will post it later. here're the rest of the measurements. seem mostly within range except violet/gray R just outside of the high end, wondering what this R is about and could it be an issue?

Blue-White R = 2.6 Ohms
Violet-Gray R= 3.0 Ohms
Fuse = 1.3 Ohms (close enough I think)

2 Yellow terminals V= 24.1 VAC
2 Orange V = 0
Black/Red V = 0

SWG ON (at 10%):
2 yellow = 23.3 VAC
2 Orange = 23.2 VAC
Black/Red = 26.3 VDC

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Strange enough This morning the transformer was not that warm. I turned on superchlorinate mode for 20m and it’s also not that hot. The loud humming also gone! Very subtle hum now. Only hear it with my ear next to the transformer.
Swg off :
0.21A on the yellow. Not too bad is it?
0A on the orange
Cross checking between yellow vs gray violet white blue showed no short circuit 0 Ohms.

Swg on:
~9-9.5A on yellow
9-9.6A on orange

I am starting to think the afternoon direct sun on the box could be adding to the heat issue causing the transformer to get hotter and hum much louder but that seems a little strange with SWG off and very little amp on yellow.

I’ll check back in a couple hours to see if things get hotter.
Swg off :
0.21A on the yellow. Not too bad is it?
0A on the orange
Cross checking between yellow vs gray violet white blue showed no short circuit 0 Ohms.

Swg on:
~9-9.5A on yellow
9-9.6A on orange
The amperage with the cell on seems a little bit high.

Is that from an inline measurement or clamp ammeter?

Are you testing for amps on the AC or DC setting?

Coming from the transformer should be AC and it should be DC coming from the rectifiers.

I would think that the AC amperage would be close to the cell amperage unless the power factor is low, which could explain the difference.

The DC amperage should be close to the cell amperage from the diagnostic readings.
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It was the clamp meter in AC. Its 9.85A now on yellow. 6.16ADC on display. Is this abnormal?
5.8ADC on red dc wire


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It was the clamp meter in AC. Its 9.85A now on yellow. 6.16ADC on display. Is this abnormal?
5.8ADC on red dc wire
Seems like the difference is higher than I would expect.

Some will be going to heat.

Some might be due to a low power factor.

A low power factor means that some of the amperage is circulating without doing anything.

That's not necessarily bad.

You would need to be able to measure the power factor to see how much effect it is having.

6.16 ÷ 9.85 would imply a power factor of about 0.625 if we ignore heating.

For now, I would just keep an eye on it.

If the heat or buzzing returns with the cell off, check the amperage to see if it is higher than now.
Below the circuit board and to the right is a terminal set for the 120 volts power supply to the circuit board.

When you get a chance, measure the amperage on the black or white wire with the cell off and on.

With the cell on, the amperage will be about 2 amps.

With the cell off, the amperage should be maybe 0.1 amps, or lower.
5:30PM today I did an In-line amp on white 120v wire which was near zero. Perhaps the clamp isnt accurate with small numbers. Swg was on @20% 10:30AM until 5pm filter was turned off, but the transformer continued to stay hot at 6PM (too hot to touch more than 2 seconds) along with the humming noise. All measurements normal. The humming went away this time after turned off/on the breaker. Not really sure what’s happening.

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