Another SLAM question


LifeTime Supporter
Aug 4, 2009
Flower Mound/Texas
Another year and something else always happens. This year my pump died and I ended up with my 3rd swamp in 10 years. After installing the new pump, I started my SLAM on July 3rd, I finally have clear water, but my CC is not where it should be, it's at 2.5. I checked all my prior years, and it has never exceeded 2.0.

Also my SWG is not working right now, so I am going with bleach and 2 pucks.

In any case, here are my current numbers:

FC 9.5
CC 2.5
TC 12.0
CYA 40
PH 7.8
TA 40
CH 400

I am going to add 141 ozs of 10% bleach and about a cup of muriatic acid after I post this thread.

I will work on the TA and CH once I pass the OCLT.

Is there anything else I could be doing? I expect grandkids this weekend, so I hope the pool will be available.

Remove the pucks and raise your FC to SLAM. Maintain the FC every couple hours.

CH can not be worked on without draining water and replacing with lower CH water.

Hard to have a TA of 40 and pH of 7.8. You should start a SLAM with pH of 7.2.
Unfortunately when I first started to treat the pool earlier this month I was using CLC classic by Bioguard, that accounts for the increase in CH. I couldn't find unexpired bleach, so I used the pool store stuff....that won't happen again. The granules are easier for an old guy (no lugging of cases), but the bleach is better.

The pool is not covered.

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