Another in Texas - Cypress

TM, you got some great suggestions! It is SO HARD to make these final permanent decisions. I bought yard paint and drew things out in the dig site so I could see how it all lined out. It's easily erased by scuffing it off and then redraw/respray the next idea. Maybe that would help you see how much room you have and where you want things to go.
TM, you got some great suggestions! It is SO HARD to make these final permanent decisions. I bought yard paint and drew things out in the dig site so I could see how it all lined out. It's easily erased by scuffing it off and then redraw/respray the next idea. Maybe that would help you see how much room you have and where you want things to go.

Lol. It might if I could draw! Unfortunately my skills in that department are sadly lacking!
You don't like your first drawing in post #321? That turns that leg of the baja helf into steps? I think that mkes a lot of sense. There's a pic at this link of steps coming off the end of the baja shelf.

We're wanting to do the 7" steps because of mobility issues. Otherwise I LOVE those steps. Just not as functional for me.
Had a really good meeting with the PB today though she didn't have her laptop so other than some rough sketches we couldn't work on the design.

First - They want to draw everything out this Friday (we fund that morning), and dig on Monday. I told her that Monday was Memorial Day but she said most of their crew work because they aren't American and don't celebrate the same holidays. Steel/plumb on Tuesday and gunite on Wed. What?! [emoji322]. Praying the weather holds up. They're leaving for out of town on the 8th so they're hoping to get us to a good stage before they leave for a week since not much will happen during that week.

I took our rough sketches into photoshop after she left and have these to show for it. Supposed to get her new drawings tomorrow some time. She said either way by Thursday we need to have the design finalized. These are not even close to scale as they are just me cutting/pasting/distorting, then printing and coloring. They each have their upsides/downsides for what we want to accomplish. (The shelf is too big/long on them so keep that in mind.)

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I like the steps at the far side of the spa :) Different strokes...

I think the steps by the spa are better because it gives you something to hold onto as you step into/out of the pool. Kind of like a rail without needing one.
Steps in the far side would perhaps be less usable and feel too tucked away especially behind a raised spa. Have you considered putting wider stairs all the way across from spa in that far corner to the shelf?
How exciting TM!!! You're gonna have a pool in your yard by this time next week!! It's REALLY HAPPENING!!! What an exciting time! I like both drawings but I think the stairs need to be in the most practical place for entry and exit. Would it be awkward to walk to what looks like the back of the yard to use the stairs? But that location moves the spa closer to the conversation area. In the other one the spa seems a bit isolated but I'm not good at picturing distance. I think whatever you choose, you will love!
I pray you have minimal to zero bumps along the road and that your PB gets everything just how you need and desire. It's going to be beautiful! Blessings!
I'm so glad you had a good meeting with the PB!!! That always gave me peace of mind knowing he was listening and willing to work with me. Thinking back to the last 3 years with mobility issues, I would have needed a rail by the steps if placed on the right. You may already have that in the plans but not on the drawing. And for me, by the time I walked to the steps on the left, I would have been pretty tired. Of course, then I could float away and relax, right?!!!

All that matters is that you're excited about YOUR pool!!!! I agree with Nini, you and your family are going to love and have a ball with either design. As I've heard many of us newbies with finished pools say, most of this won't matter when you're swimming and enjoying your family. There are some things on my pool (design wise) that I would do differently the second time around, but even those don't matter now. I've gotten used to whatever and don't think of them anymore until a discussion comes up about them. Then my feeling is, "Oh, well! Everything works out for the best."

Can you believe it???? They're moving so fast - now (weather permitting)!!! It's such a thrill to see the dig begin! I could hardly believe it was finally happening.

On your mark, get ready.......

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Thanks everyone! I so love and appreciate the encouragement I get on here!

The PB hasn't gotten back to me but I had more time to consider and play around with the drawings. I so wish I could make renderings of these so I could see what they look like normal and not in an aerial view but I need PB for that. What do you guys think of these new ideas?

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TM, you're doing great! In fact I'd say, now you're cookin'!

I really like these two designs over the others. They flow much better in my opinion. I like how the social/conversation features are now connected.

Personally, I like the table better in the center. Being the smallest of the 3 features, it seems lonely over on the far left side of the pool - backside from the house.

And I love, love, love the steps in the 2nd or bottom design. They are so graceful! They flow beautifully with the overall design. I immediately see little people splashing and hopping up and down on the steps and making up games with each other! Those steps almost seem like an activity feature for kiddos.

If it were me, I would use a third design that places the table in the center and incorporates those lovely "TM Steps"!

This is fun!!

- - - Updated - - -

On second thought, I think maybe I'd stick with the bottom or 2nd design. I would have to have those steps!
TM, you're doing great! In fact I'd say, now you're cookin'!

I really like these two designs over the others. They flow much better in my opinion. I like how the social/conversation features are now connected.

Personally, I like the table better in the center. Being the smallest of the 3 features, it seems lonely over on the far left side of the pool - backside from the house.

And I love, love, love the steps in the 2nd or bottom design. They are so graceful! They flow beautifully with the overall design. I immediately see little people splashing and hopping up and down on the steps and making up games with each other! Those steps almost seem like an activity feature for kiddos.

If it were me, I would use a third design that places the table in the center and incorporates those lovely "TM Steps"!

This is fun!!

- - - Updated - - -

On second thought, I think maybe I'd stick with the bottom or 2nd design. I would have to have those steps!

As you requested Suz!

I don't think I like the shelf as well though. Hmm...
You're getting really good at this! I'm glad I don't have to decide. For me, gotta have those steps. I don't think the arrangement of the rest matters. I'm usually wishy-washy. But when I like something, I REALLY like it!
You're getting really good at this! I'm glad I don't have to decide. For me, gotta have those steps. I don't think the arrangement of the rest matters. I'm usually wishy-washy. But when I like something, I REALLY like it!

Well, my husband actually liked the last picture the best too so that's the one the PB is drawing up! I'll post as soon as I get it. Oh boy! I hope we didn't just go up in price! [emoji15] Sigh. [emoji857]
As you requested Suz!

I don't think I like the shelf as well though. Hmm...

THIS is it!! I fell in love with the new steps as soon as I saw them! The table there is awesome! Spa chatting AND ledge playing as well as pool walk up!

You two better watch out people will be asking for you to design their pools for them! You will never have another free moment now!

Thanks Kim! It sure took me a minute to get my groove with some ideas going. It's thanks to Suz and Umm for getting me thinking outside of the box. Now let's hope I actually see a rendering to scale from PB today since they're supposed to draw this thing out in the yard tomorrow.

This weather forecasted does not look good ya'll. ☹️ Not for Dig Monday or Gunite on Wednesday. Please pray or send good thoughts. Rain rain go away! Come back in a week or two!

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look UP the pretty steps as if you were looking at the house.............see the coping/edge of the pool on the right side there by the steps? See where the lines are drawn to represent the copping joints. I am thinking you could put something there to help steady you as you go up and down the steps. I am SURE we could come up with something pretty and functional as the same time.


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