Another cloudy pool needs help

Aug 24, 2016
Houston area
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Turbo Cell (T-CELL-5)
Good morning! Today was the first day of the summer break from school and I can't believe my pool isn't ready yet. I've been using TFP to open my pool for 6 years, this is my 7th.
Here are my readings
pH: 7.2
FC: 8
CC: .5
TA: 150
CYA: 0
NaCl: 3300

And here is my story. 21'x54" AGP sits mostly under a lovely Monterrey Oak that gives us a full shaded pool after 1:30-2:00. We love that, but of course it's a constant battle. Each year, we start with a green pool wiggling with critters and usually lots of leaves and twigs. This year it was a bit worse because our SWG died late summer and we spent the end of the season sanitizing with 10% liquid chlorine. Also, the pump had worn brushes so would only run with a kickstart. Replaced both.

I've always been able to get it clear enough to see the bottom in a matter of about a week, no matter what it looks like or how much debris is still on the bottom. This year I got it blue in about 2 weeks, passes the OCLT, but it was still cloudy enough I couldn't see more than a few inches down. Running the pump nonstop on high power made no difference in cloudiness. Got frustrated. Added flocc (mistake #1). I know I shouldn't have, but I did. It did absolutely nothing. Still couldn't see more than a few inches clearly, certainly couldn't see to vacuum. Continued to filter (mistake #2). A week later, pool looks exactly the same, filtering on high 24/7. Changed the sand (4th year for this filter, figured it was time anyway, might help, thought we might have gummed everything up with flocc, may as well). Even added DE a couple of times with no change.

So in the last week I've taken the pool all the way to mustard shock level, and it took 3 days for it to come down to where I could test for actual pH and TA. pH was 7.6, TA 150, added 56 oz muriatic acid. pH now 7.2 but TA hasn't budged. I didn't have time to test for CH, but historically it has usually been around 200.

What do I do now?
Follow the SLAM process. Link-->SLAM Process
I have. I slammed. Then passed the OCLT. I stopped adding chlorine and turned off the SWG because I don't get enough sun on my pool to burn off the chlorine quickly and I couldn't test it. It took 3 days for it to drop to normal level. Still cloudy.
It will be impossible to clear if you only do 2x per day. Weekend is here. Test and replace every 2 hours. Watch your filter pressure. Backwash, note clean pressure. Backwash when pressure rises 25%.

Do this, you will see progress.
I have not needed to backwash at all the last few days. The pressure hasn't risen. I SLAMed with many gallons on Tuesday evening and tested every 30 minutes. FC 24-25.

Why did my TA not go down when I added 56 oz of muriatic acid?
I have not needed to backwash at all the last few days. The pressure hasn't risen.
Always check your filter pressure with pump on high speed.

I SLAMed with many gallons on Tuesday evening and tested every 30 minutes. FC 24-25.
SLAM is a process, not a one time thing. With CYA=0, and testing every 30 minutes you are not following the process.

Print this out, read it three times, keep it with you and follow the process. Link-->SLAM Process

Why did my TA not go down when I added 56 oz of muriatic acid?
Likely still within testing error. TA is not an issue for is not causing any problem. Start the SLAM process.

We got you!
Season 1 Showtime GIF by The Chi
SWG should be off during SLAM process and certainly off when conducting OCLT. Ensure you have at least 30 CYA even if your pool gets lots of shade. Resume / restart SLAM as noted by PoolStored. Since you'll be monitoring frequently, you can add pool grade DE to sand filter as you have done before. You can consider a chitosan clarifier like SeaKlear which isn't like standard clarifier or floc. Backwash at 25% pressure rise when using max pump RPM.

Ignore TA until you've exited SLAM (crystal clear water, passed OCLT with SWG off, no algae dead or alive visible). Too many variables to try to pin down TA at this time. But any time test results don't make sense, its good to check age of reagents for expiration.

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Photo of all my readings since Friday evening. I’ve actually added less chlorine that’s I was using before. 1 gallon to kick off and only 1 total since. Added CYA Friday so used shock level of 12 to start, it’s 40 now so now using shock level of 15. It hasn’t been below shock level since I started. No change in cloudiness at all.


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Update. 6 days of slamming. Never let it fall below 14. Added a 2500 gph intex cartridge pump/filter to try to get rid of the finer particles. That was Monday, so 3 days w 2 pumps running. Getting about 1” of visibility per day. At this rate we will be ready to swim in August. I will also probably be able to fill it with tears of frustration by then.


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