Another Algae or Dirt Thread

That's not what you wrote I get it now but in the future write it out...
Sorry, I thought thats what my initial post tried to express. When I checked at 11:15 FC dopped to 17PPM so I added 83oz to get it to SLAM and then rechecked at 2:30 FC dropped back down to 16PPM so I added 110oz to get it back to SLAM.

Still appreciate the input and guidance.
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Evening 3 Update: Added 96oz at 5:31PM to get up to SLAM after another round quality brushing and scrubbing, which included getting in the pool with a hand brush. Then at 8:40 PM added another 55oz after sunset to get back to SLAM, and retested at 9:15PM to get my baseline which was 21PPM.

Morning 4 Update: Woke up at 6:20AM tested water and it held at 21PPM!!!!!!! PASSED OCLT TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Water is still clear, there has been no settling of any type of "dust", "dirt", or any other "stuff" on the seams or anywhere else that was previously visible.

I have to be honest, I was nervous about this whole thing and did get discouraged after Morning 2.

So now some quesitons for the forum:
  1. I went ahead and turned my SWG back on, was this the correct thing to do?
  2. When will it be acceptable to test the other levels of the pool and correct anything out of range?
  3. What is the proper order of correcting the levels?
  4. Even though I did run the filter on Backwash and Waste halfway through the SLAM, is it recommended to do it again since it appears that I successfully completed the SLAM process?
  5. Any other tips or recommendations?

Thanks for the help and support.
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Congrats on passing the OCLT! :party: To your questions:
1 - It's okay, but watch the FC to make sure the FC doesn't continue to climb or remain too high. If it does, just leave it off for a day or so.
2 - Let the FC fall to 9 or below.
3 - Once the FC falls below 10, confirm the pH & TA.
4 - Only need to backwash when the pressure increases by about 25%
5 - Enjoy your clear water. :swim:
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Just wanted to give a 2 week post-SLAM process update.

I am happy to report:
FC has been holding steady slightly above the targeted 5PPM, has gone as high as 6.6(really cloudy days) and as low as 5.2, but never below the 5PPM target. It took a few days to dial in the SWG rate, but have settled in at 40%.
CC: 0
Ph: 7.6
CYA: raised it to 70.
TA: 80
CH: 190
Pool is crystal clear. No more "stuff" at the seams!!!

I will attest to this process!!!!
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Just wanted to give a 2 week post-SLAM process update.

I am happy to report:
FC has been holding steady slightly above the targeted 5PPM, has gone as high as 6.6(really cloudy days) and as low as 5.2, but never below the 5PPM target. It took a few days to dial in the SWG rate, but have settled in at 40%.
CC: 0
Ph: 7.6
CYA: raised it to 70.
TA: 80
CH: 190
Pool is crystal clear. No more "stuff" at the seams!!!

I will attest to this process!!!!
I am unfortunatley having to repoen this trhead. I happened to notice yesterday the re-emergence of algae in the same place as last time. This time the color is no onger brown/gray, but more reddish almost like red brick dust or red clay. What is crazy is I know that I previously had a successful SLAM process and had been enjoying crystal clear water, until yesterday. My FC has never dropped below the 5.0. I have been consistent in checking.

As of yesterday:

FC: 7
CC: 0
Ph: 7.8
TA: 70
CH: 180
CYA: 70

Proceeded to brush and vaccum.

This morning after OCLT:
FC: 6.5
CC: 0

But the algae was back in the seams!!!!

Why o why, and I facing another SLAM? Why would it show back up after all of this time???
Anyone??? Why would this show back up, after over a month, when I know I successfully completed a SLAM process and I know the FC has always been above the recommended level since the SLAM?
I am unfortunatley having to repoen this trhead. I happened to notice yesterday the re-emergence of algae in the same place as last time. This time the color is no onger brown/gray, but more reddish almost like red brick dust or red clay. What is crazy is I know that I previously had a successful SLAM process and had been enjoying crystal clear water, until yesterday. My FC has never dropped below the 5.0. I have been consistent in checking.

As of yesterday:

FC: 7
CC: 0
Ph: 7.8
TA: 70
CH: 180
CYA: 70

Proceeded to brush and vaccum.

This morning after OCLT:
FC: 6.5
CC: 0

But the algae was back in the seams!!!!

Why o why, and I facing another SLAM? Why would it show back up after all of this time???
Seams can retain fine silt and stuff as it settles, but you look to have passed the OCLT, so I question at this point if what you are seeing is actually algae. Any odd weather behavior or anything to indicate fine stuff in the air blowing and settling in the area?
Seams can retain fine silt and stuff as it settles, but you look to have passed the OCLT, so I question at this point if what you are seeing is actually algae. Any odd weather behavior or anything to indicate fine stuff in the air blowing and settling in the area?

There has been construction near by that includes moving dirt andit has been windy the last few days. Perhaps that may be it? Should I perform another OCLT to confirm?
Couple of things to note. A lot of times I get dirt/could be algae stuff on the bottom of my pool. 9 times out of 10 it’s leaves from the water oak that’s right above my pool. They break down very fast and dissolve into a fine powder. If you pass the overnight algae test you’re good. If you don’t and you do have algae, once you clear it start running your variable speed pump and your SWG 24/7. I kept getting algae in my pool until some very smart @Newdude guy told me to do this. I haven’t had an algae bloom since. When you run it 24/7 and slightly hot, you don’t ever get unnoticed dips in the chlorine levels and it’s less likely to have problems after rain events, high bather load ect, ect. I just use pool math to calculate the amount of chlorine I want over a 24 hour period. I never run it over 25%. It doesn’t seem like it would work, but it does.
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Thanks for the kind words Orion. :) And yeah, if your way isn't working C&H, you need more chlorine. Preferably around the clock and in a way you rarely have to think about it.

I obsess over being near minimum FC the way others obsess over keeping their FC low or to a strict level.

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