Am I on the right track??

It is not recommended to drop until you finish your SLAM.

If you can clearly see the entire pool bottom then you could choose to do so but it will hinder the process.

If it is cloudy then no way.

- - - Updated - - -

Also only let it drop below SLAM level not all the way down it is safe to swim anything below your SLAM level, but only if the pool is totally clear.
I'll just wait. :( It makes me too nervous. I can see the bottom clearly. But it's still a little cloudy. My FC is going much slower today. It's only gone down 4.5ppm from 8am till 5pm. And it was sunny and hot today. So hopefully soon I'll see crystal waters!

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So I can see the bottom of the opposite side of the pool. (yay!!) Is that "clear"? I honestly think our pool was never clear the last few summers so I'm not sure I have a clue what it should look like. Should I do the OCLT tonight? It's hard to capture by photo because of the reflection.

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TFP clear is where you can tell if it is heads or tails on a quarter in the deep end!

You will NEVER be able to look at anyone else's pool and think of them as clear after you get your as clear as it can be with your own test kit.


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I had just brushed the pool, kicking up the dead algae, which may account for the haziness?

Fortunately, it's going to cold and rainy for the next few days here so this may be my chance to knock this final fight of algae out without the sun/heat/temptation to swim getting in my way! Lol

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Went away for the weekend so I didn't finish my SLAM. Just vacuumed and there was dead algae all over the pool floor. Picking up more bleach in a bit to keep me at slam levels. I'm soooo ready for this to be done! And the ladder is still sitting in my yard. I just haven't had the energy to address it.

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