Algae or pollen?

Jun 30, 2016
Cincinnati, OH
So I'm confused on what to do at this point. Seems like i battled this last year and going thru it again this year. Getting greens streaks on the bottom of the pool. At least once a week. I had some people over for the holiday weekend to swim. Well on the 5th (last night) i decided to clean out the filter because i noticed the water looked a little cloudy. The cartridge filter was yellow but came clean. I tested all my levels last night.

FC: 1.6 (added full jug of 10%)
CC: 0
CYA: 50
PH: 7.6
TA: 80

The pool didnt have any green streaks last night. It's been raining here all day so not really any sun at all. I get home from work go out and check on it and green streaks and some leaves now. My back yard does have about 3 trees next to the pool.

Levels today
FC: 8
CC: 0
PH: 7.8
TA: 80

Any suggestions on what to do next? Should i try the OCLT at this point? Or just scrub and go with it to see if it clears up? Just at a loss at this point.

Sorry dont know how to upload pictures on the mobile site.
Looks like your FC was way below where it needs to be on the first test, so ya do an OCLT.

The green streaks and yellow in your filter actually sounds like something else....metals in the water.

Are you on well water?
No well water. Just got allot of rain today and getting allot tomorrow supposedly. I am curious about doing the OCLT since i just added that 10% liquid last night. Since there is no sun out now can I use the readings i just got for the FC? Or suggest doing another one later tonight?

How can i tell if i have metals in the pool? I don't think i do but not sure how to tell.
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