Air Leak?

May 25, 2018
Bethany, CT
I'm wondering if what I am experiencing with my pump is normal or not:

When it is running at full speed, the basket fills with water and there are maybe just a few bubbles visible. As the pump speed slows, the basket fills with air, to the point where you can see the stream of water flowing into the basket and the whole top part of the basket is empty. Video:
When the pump turns off, you can hear a lot of glugging and water flows back into the basket from the filter and DE comes with it. I notice some "dirt" in my pool from time to time that doesn't make sense and I'm wondering if DE is washing all the way back through into the pool...

This behavior doesn't seem normal and I think it points to a seemingly major air leak somewhere, but I've done a lot of troubleshooting on the vacuum side and can't find anything.

Thoughts? Thinks to check?
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It sounds like you have a leak on the pressure side. Ideally, when you shut off your equipment, your pressure side should hold water. Shut off your equipment and listen carefully for air entering on the pressure side. Pay special attention to the filter o rings, and air relief valve.
Probably. I had a leaking o-ring on my air relief valve that didn't leak push water out when the pump was running. That was a slow leak though.

Do you have any check valves that may be faulty?
I reread your post and missed the part about losing air in the basket at low speeds. This would indicate a leak on the suction side. Have you cleaned and lubed the o-ring on the pump basket lid? Check water level and weir door. What's weird is the pressure side doesn't seem to holding pressure either. Maybe you can post a couple pics of your plumbing.
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