Aggressive Algae - Hate to even think about using Pool RX!!!


Active member
Jul 16, 2018
Virginia Beach, VA
Have a 30K salt pool and had algae come out of no where. I'll sweep the pool and within 2 days, it starts creeping back - always in the deep end and in the same couple spots. Below are my numbers with pool math recommendations.

CYA: 45 (60-90)
FC: 9.0 (3-9)
PH: 7.5 (7.2-8.0)
ALK: 70 (50-90)
Phosphates: 1,400

My numbers always look good and I always keep the FC on the higher side to prevent dumping $100 in LC to SLAM the pool. This one has me beat and comes back faster than anything else I've had. What am I doing wrong?

Everyone on the FB groups rave about PoolRX and while I agree its more important to have a balanced pool vs using PoolRX to overcome bad numbers, I've got good numbers and still having an issue. Plus I get a little weird with higher than normal metal in the pool.

Only thing I've never done is address phosphates since I always keep my pool in balance. Would it help to use some Orenda PR-10000 to get ride of the algae food?

Last thing is I know algae dies off once the pool gets to 55 degrees. Pool is getting colder and I'd imagine in 3-4 weeks my kids will no longer swim. If I can hold out, will the winter 100% kill everything and I can start fresh next spring? Thanks!
Algae does not die off in cold water. It just goes dormant and does not replicate and grow. It will be sitting in the water to spring to life when the water warms up.

Do not use PoolRX. You will just end up dealing with worse problems.

What model filter do you have? Put details in your signature.
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Have a 30K salt pool and had algae come out of no where. I'll sweep the pool and within 2 days, it starts creeping back - always in the deep end and in the same couple spots. Below are my numbers with pool math recommendations.

CYA: 45 (60-90)
FC: 9.0 (3-9)
PH: 7.5 (7.2-8.0)
ALK: 70 (50-90)
Phosphates: 1,400

My numbers always look good and I always keep the FC on the higher side to prevent dumping $100 in LC to SLAM the pool. This one has me beat and comes back faster than anything else I've had. What am I doing wrong?

Everyone on the FB groups rave about PoolRX and while I agree its more important to have a balanced pool vs using PoolRX to overcome bad numbers, I've got good numbers and still having an issue. Plus I get a little weird with higher than normal metal in the pool.

Only thing I've never done is address phosphates since I always keep my pool in balance. Would it help to use some Orenda PR-10000 to get ride of the algae food?

Last thing is I know algae dies off once the pool gets to 55 degrees. Pool is getting colder and I'd imagine in 3-4 weeks my kids will no longer swim. If I can hold out, will the winter 100% kill everything and I can start fresh next spring? Thanks!
Is that a pool store test result? (The phosphates results makes it sound like it is.) If so, don’t trust any result from a pool store test or paper test strips.

If you have algae, you need more chlorine. It’s really that simple.
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Is that a pool store test result? (The phosphates results makes it sound like it is.) If so, don’t trust any result from a pool store test or paper test strips.

If you have algae, you need more chlorine. It’s really that simple.
Phosphates is from the pool store, everything is else is from my Taylor K-2006C kit that I test weekly and track.
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Phosphates is from the pool store, everything is else is from my Taylor K-2006C kit that I test weekly and track.
Better to start the SLAM now rather than waiting. I’m the future if you log your test results over time in poolmath it will help diagnose why there might be trouble starting.
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If you’re seeing visible algae its
SLAM Process time.
At some point your fc was too low for your cya & algae was allowed to grow this can be masked for a little while by a swg depending upon how you run it especially if you’re only testing once a week you may not have caught the dip & then running a little higher kept it at bay but the algae will eventually win.
The largest hayward cell (t15) can only produce 5.9 ppm fc per day in your sized pool if run at 100%. That’s no match for algae and cutting it close for meeting daily fc demand without algae in the dog days of summer.
Your linked poolmath logs only show additions - not test results & the most recent one was 3 months ago.
If you’re seeing visible algae its
SLAM Process time.
At some point your fc was too low for your cya & algae was allowed to grow this can be masked for a little while by a swg depending upon how you run it especially if you’re only testing once a week you may not have caught the dip & then running a little higher kept it at bay but the algae will eventually win.
The largest hayward cell (t15) can only produce 5.9 ppm fc per day in your sized pool if run at 100%. That’s no match for algae and cutting it close for meeting daily fc demand without algae in the dog days of summer.
I've got a Hayward TurboCell TCELL940.

If 5.9 is all it makes, how am I holding 8.0-9.0 constantly? Poolmatch says to raise my CYA to 70-80 but at 45 I'm holding FC at 85% SWG.
I write all my numbers down on a printed Excel sheet so I can see them in one shot over the course of the summer. I only log numbers when I need a calc (SLAM, adjust PH/ALK, etc.)
Log your test results into PoolMath.
Makes it easier for us to see a trend.

A CYA between 40 and 50 is rounded up to 50.
Anytime the CYA result fakls between the lines on the testing vial, round up to the next larger number.

Add your test kit to your signature.
How are you testing your salt level?
Don’t raise cya until AFTER you complete the SLAM Process.
The average fc loss in an uncovered outdoor algae free pool is 2-5ppm/day depending upon the season .
Here’s what 85% running 24/7 yields you

After slam is complete you may consider raising cya to help protect more of the fc your cell makes from the sun so you can lower your run time/%. Hopefully after slam some of the fc demand you are currently experiencing due to organics will also be reduced.
The less the cell has to run to meet the necessary fc the longer its finite 8-10k hour @100% lifespan will be in people years.
Depending upon your season length running your cell at your current settings of 85% around the clock be aware that your cell may only last a few seasons. This is why it is recommended to have a cell rated for at least 2x’s your pool’s volume as they all have roughly same finite hour rating which is calculated at 100% but a bigger cell needs to run less to create the same amount of fc.
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