AG Winterizing filter

Barry J

Jun 28, 2009
I have always drained my filter and pump and stored in my shed for the "Massachusetts" winter. But, lugging the filter in is sometimes a pain, and risk breaking something. I just bought a new Haywood S210 sand filter.
Any suggestions on either keeping it out and covering or lugging it back in the shed?
While some owners do make the effort to move their equipment into a covered location, pool equipment is designed to be outdoors, even in a brutal winter environment. As long as the filter is drained very well, with no chance of moisture accumulation or freeze expansion, the filter vessel should be fine. You can leave the drain plug out to be safe, or cover it with a screen if you are concerned about rodents getting into than open drain. Place the MPV to CLOSED or simply place the selector between two positions. Then you should be good. If you wish to drape something over the filter or any part of the equipment pad for added protection, you can. Typically not required, but that's certainly up to you.
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