Bleach data map


TFP Expert
Platinum Supporter
May 23, 2015
Tucson, AZ
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
Every year TFP always has a thread started with bleach prices posted by various users. Rather than in a sequential thread, this kind of data would be perfect for mapping (bleach prices/quantities/strengths/retailer by zip codes). One could even think of expanding this to other useful chemicals like MA or baking soda. There is software out there for doing these types of graphical overlays but I have no feel for how this data could be mined from the TFP website or if it's worth the cost. It's definitely not a manual data entry job, a database agent would have to be programmed to mine the data each day or a separate input panel would be needed to allow users to enter purchases they have made.

Just a wacky thought and wondering if an idea like this was ever discussed. As an SWCG operator, my bleach consumption in a season is minimal compared to those who manually dose or those who run Stenner pumps. It would be a useful resource for those needing to SLAM as they could then get an up-to-date view of how much it might cost them and where they can get the best price.
Yeah, I have skewed perception. I worked for a major IT/Hardware company for many years with a vast array of corporate-wide databases that spanned divisions. We were always constantly data mining the databases to improve information access. When you thinks of the hundreds of thousands of threads on TFP, there has got to be loads of useful bits of information like historical bleach prices that is locked up in linear threads that simple text-base searches are insufficient for finding.....

Oh well, when TFP breaks its first billion in annual revenues, we can revisit the topic ;)


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LOL. :)

It is something that can be looked into at some point, perhaps a user based input would be the best route.

Yeah. And the graphical mapping idea is not needed for that. It could just be a user input panel that holds data and allows TFPers to search it.

You'll have to save that project for after the swim season is over....

Thanks for entertaining the idea.

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