Taylor CYA test


LifeTime Supporter
May 31, 2012
Toronto, ON
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I just got my Taylor test kit. Yesterday I did my first test - assuming that I am doing the CYA test correctly I have <30 ppm (or whatever the unit) of CYA since the black dot is still clearly visible even when the tube is full. I see people reporting CYA with values of less than 30 (say 20 or 25) - how is that possible given that, at least with my kit, there is no way to differentiate a reading of 30 from a reading of 0?

Or are different test kits able to read smaller concentrations? (note that I am in Canada so it isn't easier to get some of the kits discussed on this forum)

One more think - the basic Taylor kit, which costs like $130 in Canada, only appears to have two small bottles of CYA reagent. It appears to me that this will only allow me to do about 6 tests. Does that sound about right?
You are correct that the K-2006 comes with a limited supply of CYA reagent ... it also is very limited for the FAS-DPD chlorine test. If you order refills, get them for both of those tests.

If the water in the CYA test is very very clear, then your CYA is close to 0, but if it is cloudy and you can still see the dot, then you may be closer to 20ppm. Like Robbie said, not point in needed to know exactly the level since it to too low.
Taylor really doesn't supply much CYA test reagent in their kit. In the US it is easy to get refills, not sure about Canada.
I bought my original kit from Piscines Apollo and they have 60 mL (2 oz) or reagent for about $8 - compared to Amazon which has 16 Oz for $12. Bend over Canadians...
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