Newly Redisgned TFP "Store" now live


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Eastern Ohio
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
While TFP has always had a CafePress store, as of late it had looked a bit outdated. A few members have questioned about adding a few new items, and it was looked into at that time. Turns out there were several obstacles in the way of "refreshing" the TFP STORE that the idea of starting over became a clear choice for the best plan of attack.

With that said I'd like to announce a fully redesigned Trouble Free Pool Store

To start off we’ve redesigned the logo for the prints.

Next we added several new products including new iPad cases, shot glasses, blankets, and aprons. These new additions are in addition to Tshirts and hats always offered.

Last we completely redesigned the “Store Front”. By starting over this allows us to better update the products in the future. New products can now be added easier than before to keep the store “Fresh.”

We hope the TFP Store will give you another option to show off your love of the site.

Thank you for making this the best Swimming Pool forum on the net!!
Just added a few new products to the store, including a large beach towel. I'm still looking at all the options for adding more products, so keep looking.
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