One leg outside of liner sleeve on 15'x42" Intex Metal Frame

May 17, 2013
We put up our 15 x 42" Intex metal frame pool (2012 purchase) and missed putting one of the legs inside of the liner strap and the pool is full.

Of course I don't want to drain and fix as I'm on well water and it takes forever to fill, is it ok for this one leg to be outside the liner sleeve being there is the rope on the bottom outside of all legs?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Re: One leg outside of liner sleeve on 15'x42" Intex Metal F

Welcome to tfp, Machster179 :wave:

If the pool isn't bowing out where the leg is not behind the strap, I would not worry about it. If it does bow, you could attach the leg to the strap with rope for now.
Re: One leg outside of liner sleeve on 15'x42" Intex Metal F

We put up our Intex Metal Frame 10' x 30" pool and found we NEEDED to leave one leg out because putting it back in made the rest pull in. It's like the belt around it is just a tad too small. It's working out just fine. No issues.
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