3 HP Pump replaced with a 1.5 THP by Pool Builder. Is that right?


Bronze Supporter
Jul 20, 2021
Boston, MA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I had a Pentair Intelliflo 3HP VS pump (011018) that died. I got the original pool builder to replace it but they replaced it with a Intelliflo 3 VSP 011065, which is 1.5 THP. Are these pumps the same performance wise? I don't know if after 10 years technology has changed and 1.5 THP is now the same as 3HP.
The pool builder did quote 3 HP but I want to do my research to see where the "mistake" was (install or quote).
Thank you! As this is already installed I know it's going to be a battle. The quote item description reads 3HP, but the pn is 011067 and they installed 011065! It's all over the place.
You have the documents. It should not be a big argument.
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