Hello All


TFP Expert
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LifeTime Supporter
Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I've been lurking for some time here and I am so jealous of all the beautiful ingrounds I have seen! They are GORGEOUS!

I have a 24'x48" above ground I put up myself this summer with the help of my hubby and my 2 kids, 10 and 12, plus my best friend helped (Can't forget her!). Someday, I hope to have an inground! And while I'm here, although the kids like swimming, my dog Casey loves the pool more than any of us put together! She is an all out water dog and if she see's you heading for the towels, YOU BETTER GET HER ONE TOO. :lol:

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and I hope to see ya around the water holes!
Enjoy your summer!
Welcome to the group! It's nice to meet you.

Above ground, in ground, big or small - it's all good and wonderful for recreation and cooling off.
I had a dog, years ago, that loved the water, too. You had to be careful to make sure the bathroom door was tightly shut when you were taking a bath or she'd take a flying leap and be in the tub with us. We lived along a river and she was forever in the water with us when we were swimming, or if we didn't take her with us in the boat, she'd swim out to us.
Welcome, MaMaG.! Where are you located?

We built our AG pool so the dogs could get the exercise they need. Two of them are older-than-dirt German Shepherds with hip dysplasia and the vets at VHUP suggested hydrotherapy. When we did the math, the cost of therapy and traveling to the place it came out that a pool would be more cost effective. I know, sounds nuts. That's us!

We have lots of experience with swimming dogs. If you have any questions,l just ask.

Casey isn't that entusiastic to jump into our baths with us but that is funny! Well, probly not too funny being the one in the tub with a dog coming at you! :shock: :lol:

We get alot of enjoyment out of our pool. It was replaced with a new wall, liner, wall pad, floor pad and I just love it but would enjoy an inground even more! 8) I know Casey would too because she loves to dive. She was the reason I needed a new liner after 3 years and 17 holes later. We just can't have any sinking toys (rings being her favorite!). She's got about 20 tennis balls though.

We live right in front of a river and believe it or not, she doesn't go down there unless she's with us and that's hardly ever but she has swam in it. What can I say, she LOVES water.

Hi Anna!
I am in southwestern Pennsylvania! (60 miles from Pittsburgh)

Sorry to hear about the hip displasia. I have a rotty named Zachary and he has bad hips too but he doesn't swim. He sinks! I pushed him in a couple years ago only to have to jump in and save his butt, shoes and all. He likes to sit pool side and loves it when the kids (neighbor kids too) splash water at him.

So how do you get rid of neighbor kids anyways? :lol: JK.
Thank you for the warm welcome SeanB.

I love your pool! It's beautiful!
Any pool is better than mine... don't currently have one :( I am waiting until hubby says finances are in place to do it right... Well, as best we can... prolly an AG oval with nice decking attached to our current deck.

Anyway, welcome to TFP!
I'm sorry to hear you don't have a pool MQ! You can come over and swim with me and the kids if you don't mind swimming with Casey too. :lol: Hopefully you can get one soon! When I took the old one down, Hubby said the yard looked better without it. I told him not to get use to it because there would be a pool there before the sand could push up weeds! Since owning a pool, I will never go without one. EVER!

Someday, I'm gonna get me an inground! Hopefully in the next 5 years!