SWG spa output question

Feb 12, 2016
Fort Mill SC
I have recently ordered a new 350 gallon spa and would like to add a Swg to it. The advice given for pool Swg is "bigger is better" of which I agree. I'm looking at a Chlormaker DO which produces a maximum 30 grams/day of Chlorine vs a Megachlor which produces a maximum of 110 grams per day. Either model will be the Smarter spa option which monitors chlorine levels before turning on the Swg. Is the Megachlor too big for my spa? Are there better swgs out there that I should consider?
To raise your FC 1ppm multiply the number of gallons in the spa, such as: 350 x 0.00013

That will give you 0.0455 ounces or 1.2899033 grams.

I think the smaller one would be fine. It makes 1.25g/hr of run time.
At 110 grams/day, it looks like the Megachlor would raise FC in a 350 gallon hot tub by 2 ppm in 30 mins, their level 1 production cycle (110g/day /24hrs /2). With the Chlorine detection holding off the generator until it falls to a preset low (say 2ppm) then turns on for 30 mins and raises FC by 2ppm to 4ppm. So the tub would cycle between 2 and 4 ppm with the Swg running very little preserving its life. Is my math correct? Or have I missed something?
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