Austin's Newest Swimming Hole

Jul 16, 2018
Austin, Tx
Hi TFPers,

We broke ground on our IG pool in mid-June, so we're right in the middle of the "giant mess" phase. Completion date in contract is 8/30 but PB says we're moving along pretty quick and might be swimming before that, fingers crossed.

Received bids from a few PBs ranging from large, nationally known companies to local family-owned. Ultimately chose the small local company based on personal recommendations even though price was slightly higher, and have been really happy so far. Didn't find TFP until after we'd signed the contract when I went looking for info on pool chemistry (I'm a chemist by training and have enjoyed geeking out over everything on the site!), there's a lot I wish I'd known before signing the contract but ultimately I'm still happy with our design, equipment, and specs. I think we ended up getting lucky with a good builder - some of the PBs we ended up not choosing wanted to add stuff like in-line chlorinators, ozone, or in-floor cleaners that TFP has taught me were bullets we dodged without even knowing it.

Only thing I might've done differently was take a harder look at the SWG before passing on it. Our PB actually recommended it but we chickened out after talking to a bunch of neighbors who have them and used the same soft Oklahoma stone coping that we're using, and they're having all sorts of corrosion issues. Our PB said that could be addressed by regularly sealing the stone but that sounded like a headache we wanted to avoid. So, I'll be adding bleach myself every day, if we change our minds and want an SWG later I guess I can always add it.

Here's the design (© our PB) and some details on the build, I'll add some photos in the next post showing progress so far.

Freeform pool, approx. 85' perimeter, 436 sqft area, 17'x31'
Depth 3.5' to 6', 17500 gal, reef entry with umbrella sleeve, deep end bench with 2 return jets w/venturi (in place of a spa)
Gunite structure with #4 steel reinforcing, PebbleSheen Blue Granite finish, 6" water line tile
2.5" suction lines with split main drains w/anti-vortex covers, 2" return lines with three returns, 1 skimmer, manual fill line
Oklahoma Stone coping and raised 18" wall with 24" sheer descent waterfall
550 sqft new concrete deck with salt finish to match existing patio with pizza oven
Hayward TriStar VS 950 variable speed pump
Hayward DE6020 60sqft DE filter
Polaris 360 pool cleaner on 1.5" dedicated line
Hayward 500W pool light

I think that's the highlights, anything I'm missing?
Some excavation images:




Welcome to TFP... a great place to find the answers to all of your "Why did I not go with saltwater?" pool questions... :shark:

Looking good, please keep us updated... We love pics!!!

You can be our official No Salt Guinea Pig or (NSGP).. :p

I predict that your flagstone coping will look just like your neighbors in a few years, since the saltwater has little to do with the stone 'corrosion'. So make sure you write this date on your calendar and in two or three years please let us know how things are going. So far, everyone says they have heard of this damage, but just like "Big Foot", pictures have been pretty hard to come by.

Of course the downside to being appointed to this prestigious position, is that after 3 years you have to convert over to saltwater to prove or disprove the myths of having a saltwater pool.. :cool:

Thanks for posting,

Jim R.
Jim, it is an honor to be granted such an illustrious title, I hope I can do it justice! I was actually very surprised at how negative my neighbors were about SW, almost uniformly. Of course maybe they're just perpetuating ghost stories they've heard from other friends, who heard it from other friends. I'll have to see if I can get any of them to show me actual damage.

At the end of the day, I figure the worst that can happen is that I find the daily bleach dosing too onerous after a while and install an SWG later. It's not as if I've got to rip out a bunch of stuff to do that, so I don't feel like I'm wasting $$ if I change my mind.

More pics in a minute!

- - - Updated - - -

Framing, rebar, plumbing, and gunite:





I agree 100%... just make sure they add a nice long straight pipe where you can later mount your SWCG. You need to tell them before they put in the plumbing at the pad. It takes them about five seconds to cram a ton of equipment on a small pad, so you need to catch them before they start.

The story goes like this... "Mr. Pool Builder, why did you install this stone that is falling apart?" The pool builder says, "That is not my fault, it is that evil Saltwater causing the problem." Pool builder says to himself... "Problem solved and cost equals zero.. Win Win!!"

Thanks for being a good sport,

Jim R.
There is one main problem that I know of with SWG pools. The people who own them sometimes believe that saltwater equals no maintenance since they aren't having to test and "shock", etc..... This leads to issues with other parameters of your water chemistry like pH, CH, TA, etc not being monitored or adjusted or corrected, which in turn leads to issues like corrosion and the SWG ends up blamed even though it is a result of lack of maintenance on the pool owner's part. Not saying that is every time, but this forum has yet to see verifiable evidence of stone corrosion caused by having a saltwater pool that I'm aware of.
There is one main problem that I know of with SWG pools. The people who own them sometimes believe that saltwater equals no maintenance since they aren't having to test and "shock", etc..... This leads to issues with other parameters of your water chemistry like pH, CH, TA, etc not being monitored or adjusted or corrected, which in turn leads to issues like corrosion and the SWG ends up blamed even though it is a result of lack of maintenance on the pool owner's part. Not saying that is every time, but this forum has yet to see verifiable evidence of stone corrosion caused by having a saltwater pool that I'm aware of.


I totally agree... SWCG systems were sold as set and forget and as you point out, that is just not the case...

Thanks for your post..

Jim R.

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We got the deck poured today! Finally starting to see how the shape is going to tie into the rest of the hardscaping. Question - pool builder said that we didn't need to water the concrete deck like we did the gunite shell, and it should be cured enough to walk on by noon tomorrow. That sound right to everyone?


We got the deck poured today! Finally starting to see how the shape is going to tie into the rest of the hardscaping. Question - pool builder said that we didn't need to water the concrete deck like we did the gunite shell, and it should be cured enough to walk on by noon tomorrow. That sound right to everyone?


What time did it get done? It shouldn’t need watered. Likely cured enough to walk on already but 24 hours is a safe rule of thumb
WOWSA! I Really like the reverse curve of your rear beam. Nice!

The only thing I'd change (and maybe its not too late?) is to lose the suction side cleaner and go robot instead. You would save the cost and burden of a second pump and get a far better cleaner.

Maddie :flower:
The only thing I'd change (and maybe its not too late?) is to lose the suction side cleaner and go robot instead. You would save the cost and burden of a second pump and get a far better cleaner.

I appreciate the input. The cleaner that we're contracted for is a Polaris 360, which as I understand it is a pressure-side cleaner, not suction-side. And I don't believe it requires a booster pump. I know people on here love their robots but for now I think I'll stick with the Polaris and see how it goes, we're already at the top end of our budget. I figure I can always go robot later if I'm dissatisfied with what I've got.
I appreciate the input. The cleaner that we're contracted for is a Polaris 360, which as I understand it is a pressure-side cleaner, not suction-side. And I don't believe it requires a booster pump. I know people on here love their robots but for now I think I'll stick with the Polaris and see how it goes, we're already at the top end of our budget. I figure I can always go robot later if I'm dissatisfied with what I've got.

Freeform pool, approx. 85' perimeter, 436 sqft area, 17'x31'
Depth 3.5' to 6', 17500 gal, reef entry with umbrella sleeve, deep end bench with 2 return jets w/venturi (in place of a spa)
Gunite structure with #4 steel reinforcing, PebbleSheen Blue Granite finish, 6" water line tile
2.5" suction lines with split main drains w/anti-vortex covers, 2" return lines with three returns, 1 skimmer, manual fill line
Oklahoma Stone coping and raised 18" wall with 24" sheer descent waterfall
550 sqft new concrete deck with salt finish to match existing patio with pizza oven
Hayward TriStar VS 950 variable speed pump
Hayward DE6020 60sqft DE filter
Polaris 360 pool cleaner on 1.5" dedicated suction line
Hayward 500W pool light

Just checking, as your first post says suction.....?
Looking for input from anyone who has had integrally-colored concrete decking poured -- do you remember the color being very uneven in the early days? We're now 5 days post-pour and the color seems to be all over the place. PB says that it takes a month for the concrete to fully cure, and the color will even out by then. Does that line up with anyone else's experience?
I tried my best to take some photos and it was really hard to capture what I'm talking about. Makes me wonder if it's all in my head. :???: The best I was able to do is below - there's a line running horizontally from the coping to the drain and then on to the side of the house. And just generally, there's a lot of point-to-point variability, but it's hard to tell whether that's because of the salt finish or the color of the concrete.


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