intex spa base alternatives

May 26, 2018
Hi I recently purchased a used intex octogon inflatable spa. Like apparently every owner of these spas i started to get the error codes on the base, and judging by all of my research these things just seem to be made very poorly. Most people seem to be just continuing to replace components by cannibalizing other bases if you are lucky enough to find them for cheap. I am thinking their has to be a better long term solution to this. I live in florida and my spa is under a gazebo and i have it sitting on thick foam puzzle mats and i keep it on the slightly deflated side so hopefully the spa itself will last me a long time before it starts to leak at the seams as which seems to be common with people leaving them in direct sunlight. So would i would like to do is to not have to use the base at all anymore and replace the functions with independent systems and no longer have to deal with error codes. Has anyone attempted this with their spa and what did you do exactly?

For mine I am thinking of

-heating system - using a bucket heater and a thermostat to heat the spa (I saw a guy did this on youtube and said it works great)

-filter - using either a cheap paper filter pump for a small pool or if i can find a cheap sand filter pump using that.

-bubbles - possibly taking the air pump out of the base and wiring it to a 12 volt adapter and using a remote controlled power supply

If all systems work i would eventually like to fabricate a waterproof housing for the filter/bubble pump out of a storage tote to make it look better and be safer

I am thinking all of the parts for this setup should be under 100 bucks and would hopefully be several years of trouble free operation with no stupid beeping and taking the base apart ten times.
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