Going away for a week - these are chemistries


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to all,

Leaving from early Sat am to late Friday night. Pool results just 1 hr ago:

FC 6
CH 250
TA 60
CYA 40
pH 7.5
65 degrees
Changed out hair nets, pump basket almost spotless, lots of pollen leaving pollen lines around water line
Running Shark continuously until I leave, 20 hrs by 5am tomorrow

I have one person coming Wednesday, so I was seeking advice on what I can do prior to leaving? They will do FC and pH test

I will hit w bleach at 5am before leaving...thanks, tstex

Note: I did add some MA today to get the 7.5pH
Being that you're in Texas, with a CYA of only 40, you could also throw in a couple of chlorine tablets and not worry about it. Lots of people in Texas run their CYA a little higher (up to 60) because of the heat, so even if your CYA climbs a little, you'll be alright.
Thank you again DR. In AZ at the moment, but during the Hurricane, we received lots of rain but no flooding into pool, the water did get up to and even w coping, but not any longer than an hour or 2. I kept regulating the chemistries w CL & MA. Had to take out a lot of earthworms ea morning.

I'll Ck out the link when we arrive in Phoenix - I'm really having an issue w mold in the decking stones. Had an expert stone mam come by and it removed 65-70%. I read that ammonia diluted w warm water would do the trick. Anyone heard of this?

Thanks again, tstex
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