cop out to use Trichlor tabs in a short season pool?

Jul 22, 2015
Can Trichlor tablets be used without concerns for overshooting CYA in a seasonal pool (5 weeks).
Setting up for the third season of a Intex Ultra (5000gal/16 ft) above ground frame pool. The pool is up for 5 weeks each summer and then drained and stored until the next season. In the past I've followed the recommendation for TFPC dumping a quart of bleach in each morning and testing with a Taylor test kit weekly and test strips daily. CYA and other chemistry has always been stable and for two separate weeks when we travel on family vacations I leave a Tricholor tablet in a floating dispenser and the filter running during the night on a timer and a cover on the pool. Now with a few years of experience (I'm getting brave) thinking the Trichor tablets will save me the time of adding the bleach each morning before leaving for work (the pool is covered).
Will I run into trouble in 5 weeks....? Any issues that I may not be considering?
Likely, yes they could work.

If short seasons and/or climates with a lot of rain and where a large drain occurs for winter, the trichlor tablets can work ... although I have found that they do not dissolve fast enough in a floater to keep the FC levels high enough, so you might need to supplement with bleach anyway.
I would monitor pH when using the tablets. They could drive the pH low and cause red eye irritation, etc.

Take care.
We have used them later in the swim season every year. And since we have to do a partial drain for the winter, they work fine. I do keep a very close watch on CYA levels and know how much I am adding when I do. This year has been crazy with all the rain, causing us to have to increase the CYA several times. I also use dichlor when I want to raise the CYA quickly and lower the pH. I will be using it up the next time I need to add CYA and lower pH but then will not purchase it again. But that is a different topic all together.
l have 1 large tub of trichlor pucks that will last several years. They don't go bad.
If the floating dispenser with Tabs is not going to keep up with the FC demand, there's no reason to abandon my old ways (quart of bleach each morning). Adding half a quart, a pint , or a cup of bleach each morning is just as much trouble as adding the full dose. I probably got lucky using the Trichor tablets in the floating dispenser while on vacation because the pool was not being used. Normal use for the pool is 4 kids from 3 pm until 5 pm (higher on the weekend) and they are in and out tossing balls covered in grass clippings and barely rinsing their feet on the way up the ladder. The TFPC method keeps the pool chemistry right on target . I appreciate the feedback and will accept my 35 morning trips to the pool (trying not to splash bleach on my work clothes).
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