Patti-New to TFP and converting from Baquacil

Sand changed on Saturday and it looked perfect - Takes 45 minutes to remove 300# of sand! I was glad to know the laterals swivel up so you can take that center tube out to finish the last of the sand. Only a few little specks of goo....Also the laterals had some gunk, but I took a toothpick and high pressure water to get it out. Added CYA last night and topped to 15ppm. I had to add approximately 7# of CYA so used three tube all dissolved by this morning with a little help. I'll wait for tonight to do the CYA test, top to 15ppm again and see how tomorrow tests.

We took longer on this conversion due to a 4 day get away and just working in the sand removal, etc. I'm excited about getting the water balanced. Then on to our hot tub...removing water today and adding new.

Thanks for all the support....I'm going to come up with a lessons learned paper!
You did it!!! What did you end up doing with the sand? I can just see you with the tooth pick making sure all of that stuff got out of there! Well done!

How dose the water look now?

For you spa start a thread in that area or some searching and reading about cleaning it out. I don't know much about spas but have read a couple/few threads where they talk about using something awwsome (Not sure if this is spelled right) to clean the pipes and such.


The old sand is in our woods and new is in. It was hard to keep digging it out when it looked like new. BUT we are 'clear of the goo'. The pool looks sparkly has it has since day 3 or 4. I'm working on tweaking the balancing. Using the suggested goals on the pool math.

On the hot tub, good idea about another thread. I drained with a sump pump and added new well water. That is going well and I've read the paper on using chlorine with your spa (not quite title).

Am going to test in the morning on pool and hot tub for now and add what I need.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Patti,

I'm glad to see that your conversion was a success and that you're enjoying your new pool water. Be prepared to be amazed at how much you are going to save now that you've switch. But you know what makes me more happy than your successful conversion? Seeing you help others in the Baquacil Conversion sub-forum!! There is no better endorsement for the methods that TFP teaches than a person who has been through one of the most grueling processes a pool can be put through and then goes on to teach and help others. That's a huge deal!!

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