Recurring grey patches on vinyl pool floor


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2015
Winston-Salem, NC
Was not sure where to post this so I'm trying this forum. I have a crystal clear pool that mid summer every year I start developing recurring grey patches. These occur in shallow end only and will not remove with scrubbing. In the past when I have super shocked they disappear. I now have SWG and FC is 6 and they persist. All my chemistry is perfect.
Ph 7.4
Alk 60
Cya 60
Temp 87
FC 6
Any thoughts, suggestions?
The areas are smooth consistent with remainder of floor. They always recurr mid summer same areas and never deep end. My pool is southern exposure so literally in the sun from 8AM to 7PM. Never have debris on floor nothing ever in there to stain it. I think it's an algae or something leaching in from the ground to stain it. But obviously not sure.
Thanks again for your time and interest,
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