How to explain using Bleach to neighborhood

Nov 9, 2015
Lawrence, KS
I am in the process of moving to the TFP method for maintaining clean and clear water. My Taylor test kit does not come in until Tuesday but I wanted to start adding bleach this weekend. I had several neighbors over and I mentioned to them the new method. Most thought I was crazy when I told them I was adding Clorox, regular, unscented bleach. Some were a little concerned about the safety issue. I tried to explain that it is just like liquid chlorine at the pool store but most did not believe me. Some mentioned that the other 94% of ingredients may be harmful if swallowed or used in the pool. I am not exactly sure what the other 94% ingredients is for Clorox but I'm sure the experts on here know the answer. Have others come across this issue and had to explain it to friends and neighbors? What is the best approach to prove to them that it is just like liquid chlorine at pool store?
The other ingredients, as with most consumer commodity goods, is water. Active ingredient is Sodium hypochloride, have a look at the ol' Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Don't let others put any fear into your mind. All the chemicals used here are safe to use bare handed with the exception of muriatic acid (Hydrochloric Acid). I'd recommend gloves but they aren't required for anything else.

You are better off not telling the naysayers any more about your plans to convert. There will always be haters who know no better and refuse education. If asked, just tell them you are using liquid pool shock and dose when they are not around.
People don't typically listen or read. Here are a couple of ideas.

Have a bottle of liquid chlorine too that shows the same active ingredients.
They are called active ingredients and listed for a reason, the rest of the ingredients are INactive and don't need to be listed.
Pour some bleach in the pool and then jump in with your kids. They can sit on the side if they want.
While we were still waiting to be pool-schooled, I brought home jugs of chlorine, boxes of borax, and 12 lbs of Arm & Hammer. The wife asked what they were for, and you should have seen her look of horror, disgust, but mostly plain old anger when I told her they were for the pool. She was judge and jury and convicted me of ruining the pool in advance, just like Tom Cruise in that pre-crime movie.

Three months later, she could care less how I treat the pool. The water speaks for itself.

<--- BTW, that's her on the left
Plain liquid bleach is simply another form of chlorine. Unlike dichlor, trichlor, and calcium hypochlorite (which are marketed as "chlorine" or pool sanitizers), bleach is marketed primarily as a cleaning agent. Some people have a hard time getting past this, but you do not need their consent on how you choose to manage your pool.
A good example to show how crazy pool store chemicals are marked. I went to Namco a local chain pool store today in search for soda ash to raise my ph. There bag of ph up which included a water conditioner was 15 dollars for 10lbs. On par with most chemicals in this store there is nothing on the package that says outright what the active ingredient is. There was in small print a CAS #. A quick Google search brought up the msds for that very expensive bag of sodium bicarbonate, or more commonly called baking soda. It's amazing the mark up they are trying to make on nothing more than putting baking soda in a bag labeled ph up. Right now at bjs a 15lb bag of arm and hammer baking soda costs 5 dollars. A lil bit of knowledge can save you a lot of money and get you crystal clear water. I did get an odd look from the checkout lady when I bought 10 boxes of borax at once tho....
You might also try printing the official Clorox Service bulletin that shows uses for household bleach including swimming pools if you can find it. It seems since Clorox started a line of Clorox brand pool chemicals they have removed this pdf from their main web site. I found a link to it at one of those pay to view PDF sites, but would prefer not to endorse such things. This Service bulletin has been out there for decades so hopefully someone here may have a PDF copy.
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