What's the max amt of CL allowed ?


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to All,

If we plan on leaving for a week, and do not want to employ pucks, what the max volume of liq CL [a total FC = ?] we can use that will not damage the equipment or other? I use 8.25% liq bleach. As noted, pool does has 400K heater. Spa and pool approx. 15K gallons in-ground w PebbleSheen. CYA = 40-50 range

If there is anything else you need, pls let me know?

Thank you very much,
I would just use a floater with 3 inch pucks in, this will chlorinate and keep your PH down while you are gone. Being in houston, 50 CYA is probably a good thing..

Use the bottom of poolmath to figure out how much chlorine and CYA it will add with each puck, most pucks are 8 oz

The great thing about TFP is knowing how and what you're putting in your pool :)
I went on vacation last November and followed the advice from the TFP Experts. Brought the pool to just over Slam Level for my CYA, filled a floater with 3" pucks and left the sliding release door on the floater about half open. My pump was on 6 hour a day using an automatic timer. I also tied the floater in two places in front of the return with enough line so when the pump came on the floater full of pucks was was pushed to the center of the pool.
When I returned after 12 days, the pucks were almost the same size as when I left and my CYA had only increased a bit. Water was crystal clear and chlorine had not dropped below the recommended norml daily level for my CYA.

All the advice I've ever gotten here has been spot on. You will be fine. Nothing to worry about while you're gone.. Enjoy.
Agreed with above. Raise FC to shock level for your CYA, assume 50 if it is questionable. Lower PH to 7.2. I also agree that a few pucks won't hurt at all but I don't use them when we go on vaca.
Thank you. You all have given me a good idea of what I need to do.

I raised my pool to a SLAM FC of 20 after rain spillover into the pool...it last for about 4-5 days before it was back to the 4-6 range...So if I do the same w no prior "funk and algae", then it should last longer...can get a floater and string it to stay in the middle deep where there's a lot of motion from pool returns. My 3HP VSP runs from 8am-4pm daily. As also in a slam you lower your pH, I would do the same....

THanks again,
PS - I have a CL puck dispenser on the equip pad. By recommending a "floater", is this if you do not have a CL dispenser, or is there an advantage for using a floater over the CL dispenser? Thanks again, tstex
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