Artificial Turf Near a SWG Pool?

Frank Rizzo

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Nov 13, 2015
Woodland Hills, CA
Anybody have any experience or comments about installing artificial turf near (about one foot) a pool with a SWG? One comment is that the salt will damage the artificial turf, but I see football games played on the stuff and I have several neighbors that have had it in their front yards for over a year with no ill effects.

Input appreciated.
I don't have it close to the pool but in the back yard (~800 sq ft of it). My kids love to setup the sprinkler on it and run through it. Never have a problem with it except that it does get hotter than real grass. I have no dogs so that's not an issue.

I love my turf, it looks very real and, best of all, no watering, weeding or trimming required!! I would recommend if you do install turf then get a good quality turf rake and be sure to move everything off of it a fluff the turf up monthly. Keeps it from getting matted down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006
Per Joyfulnoise, matting down of the turf is often the number one complaint ppl have after they get their Turf installed and have traffic plied to it. My turf is decorative but even with that, I still have to rake it out where I walk to get to my planting bed.

I've read about but have not yet found, a bristle/brush attachment that one can place on a higher cc gas powered weed wacker to make fluffing it back up easier and quicker. The pros use a heavy duty gas powered brush for this but it's way too pricey.
Don't have any close ups but here are two pics taken just prior to my recent pool replaster.



I believe the best look is achieved if you have your installer lay down 2"x2" bender board along the edges and then staple the turf to it. By doing so, you get the turf to sit higher up - ie. you see more of the edge of the turf blades as it lays up against the adjacent concrete (or whatever) surface. This keeps the turf from being too low, which can look like a pool table, where the top of the turf blade is practically level with the adjacent grade or concrete. By seeing as much of the turf blade edge as possible, it will look more realistic. Not many installers use or even know of this technique.

Also, getting the highest priced turf with the highest blade height, density and weight is not necessarily the most desired look IMO. The denser stuff will often give too much of a carpet / groomed look (ie., too perfect looking). I also found it more realistic if I stayed away from the deep green color. Just doesn't seem to look natural.
I can't thank you enough!
That is a great tip about the bender board!!! I assume that the top edge of the bender board is flush with the top of the coping or other adjacent surface? So I understand - is the turf rolled over the edge of the bender board and stapled in place (kind of like screening a window) and then installed into the ground? I think my difference might be that we will not have any paved areas around the pool other than (possibly) some stepping stones & coping, but I get the idea and it is good to see the turf close to the pool.
I know what you mean about the turf quality. The most impressive turf I've seen was at a relatives house in Fresno. The turf actually had a little bits of brown that emulated the dead clippings you would get when cutting the grass.
On another note - what is your pool finish? We are looking for turquoise water and yours looks that way in the pictures...looks great.

thanks again!!
I know what you mean about the turf quality. The most impressive turf I've seen was at a relatives house in Fresno. The turf actually had a little bits of brown that emulated the dead clippings you would get when cutting the grass.

This is like my turf. It has some yellows and brown in it. Also, any high quality turf has UV and oxidation blockers built into the fibers, not applied as a spray.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006

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That turf is beautiful!

Is turf usually applied over a compacted dirt surface, sand or concrete?
What's a ballpark price for turf?
I can't get over how pretty that looks! Does it hold up to snow and ice?
That turf is beautiful!

Is turf usually applied over a compacted dirt surface, sand or concrete?
What's a ballpark price for turf?
I can't get over how pretty that looks! Does it hold up to snow and ice?

Turf is typically applied over a layer of compacted soil with a top layer of DG (decomposed granite). So typically you dig down about 2-3" and then do your compacting and DG spread. That's how it was done for me. DG allows for good drainage.

My turf cost $8/sq ft, that included materials and installation. If they have to do a lot of surface prep, that can add to the cost.

My turf has not had huge amounts of snow on it (I live in the desert but we can sometimes get flurries) but it's held up fine. Typical quoted lifetime of turf is 8-10years depending on traffic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006
I can't thank you enough!
That is a great tip about the bender board!!! I assume that the top edge of the bender board is flush with the top of the coping or other adjacent surface?

Correct, though most installers will set the bender board a little below grade and about 1/4" away from the adjacent hardscape; and they'll wrap the turf over the bender board and tuck it into the 1/4" gap. I preferred to just have the bender board sit a hair below grade so as to get the height of the turf up as much as possible, as can be seen in this close up:


So I understand - is the turf rolled over the edge of the bender board and stapled in place (kind of like screening a window) and then installed into the ground?

Bender Board is placed first (staggered wood stakes are hammered into the ground - bender board is then screwed into the stakes to anchor the bender board in place).

On another note - what is your pool finish? We are looking for turquoise water and yours looks that way in the pictures...looks great.

The pool finish in the prior turf photos was the old worn grey plaster finish. I replastered this summer with a modified Stonescape Mini Peeble in Tropics Blue):

I'm interested in putting in Artificial turf. Who do I talk to get estimates? Pool specialists, landscapers, or turf manufacturers?

Landscapers or landscape architects if you want good turf. Figure it costs about $6-$8 per sq-ft installed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk,16k gal SWG pool (All Pentair), QuadDE100 Filter, Taylor K-2006
we just went to the home show and felt everything from every turf vendor. reconfirmed what we already liked from last year's show. It's a thinner blade, no reinforcing spine. American made 15 year warranty, also about $8 sgft. But it's soooo soft. all we have is a small dog and not a lot of traffic.

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