Newbie here. Just fill up my 22,000gal agp. Here are my test results with two chlorin

Ok, I think I need a little more help. For whatever reason I can't seem to get my TA levels below 120. I've been following pool school suggestions and using pool math yet my TA remains in the 130-140 range. Over the past 8 days I've dumped about 1.5 gals of MA in the pool. My salt chlorinator manufacturer suggest a TA level of 80-120. Since I'm running an AGP do I really need to worry about calcium hardness? Is this the main reason the salt system manufacturer suggests an 80-120 TA?

Thanks in advance
What's your tap water TA? You might be driving it up every time you top-off due to evaporation.

High TA makes pH rise faster, and the SWG aggravates that. High CH can mess with the plates inside the SWG, so lower is better. With a vinyl pool, low CH is no problem.

Also... what strength is the acid you're using? If it's the half-strength "low-fuming" stuff, 1.5 gallons in a pool your size isn't all that much. Especially if you have a lot of TA in the fill water.
Well, I'm usually pumping rain water out and haven't had a need to top off. I haven't turned my new SWG on yet. I'm trying to get my numbers in the SWG manufacturer's specs before I start it up. I still haven't added the salt to the pool yet. I've only had the pool up and running for about 3-4 weeks.

The acid I'm using is the ratio of the pool math default (can't remember the numbers). I bought it from Leslie's Pool supply.

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