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  1. P

    Aiper Seagull Pro died...again

    Maytronics Dolphin has cordless robots, there is a reason they are number 1.
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    Oh the hilarity of it all...

    Scary and hilarious. Tip….leave the skimmer basket in when vacuuming, it protects the pump.
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    Ariel by Solar-Breeze

    Rumored that Pentair has one in the works, once this becomes truth I will start selling them to my clients. Far too many issues in the past imo.
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    Polaris vs. Dolphin

    Just keep an eye on those climbing rings, once they wear down it won’t climb at all.
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    Opening a pool after it was filled with paver dust and polymeric sand

    Short answer is yes. I would use my commercial robot to clean it up before taking chances with plumbing, pump, filter etc.
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    Ariel Solar Breeze

    Until they get bought by a big pool company they will continue to struggle.
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    Can vacuum robot aggravate liner wrinkles?

    Those wrinkles are due to a badly measured liner. A cleaner can rub away some ink but rare they will do damage behind that unless stuck in one position for an extended time.
  8. P

    Robots too heavy for me?

    Kathleen the newer dolphins are way lighter than models from years past, they are however heavy when initially raised to the surface, let the water drain out and they are under 20 lbs.
  9. P

    Can you run any pool cleaning robot out of the water?

    In truth robots aren’t meant to be left in the water 24/7/365. Most pools only require a robotic cleaning every 3-4 days. If the power cord was wound into a wheel Im positive you would have kinking occur.
  10. P

    Time to upgrade, which is best?

    Maytronics are the best selling robots for a reason.
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    Ariel by Solar-Breeze

    Until they go mainstream their sales will be lack luster sadly.
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    Ariel by Solar-Breeze

    I’m still on the fence, love the idea, question the company and follow up on warranty. If a major manufacturer sold these I could sell hundreds lol
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    All I’ve seen are the small start ups that are over priced, we need Hayward or Pentair to buy out one of these guys and up the quality control.
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    I’m always skeptical of anything that’s just sold by one person or company. There is no mention of warranty or even part availability. I wish Pentair or Hayward would develop a solar powered surface skimmer or even buy out these guys.
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    If these were reliable I know 30 clients that would buy them in a heart beat. A robot grabs what has sunk, but pools are constantly requiring skimming, skimming that certain owners won’t do.
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    I see they are up and running again. Anyone purchase through their site yet? Reviews?
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    If your pool deck has a lot of trees or debris you will absolutely love a pool skim. I’ve put them on several clients pools and they catch 10X what a regular skimmer will. Great investment IMO
  18. P

    Old But Legendary Robots?

    The old Tiger Sparks are still going, reinventing the wheel most times means cheap parts sadly.
  19. P

    Hayward AutoVac 650 Review - With video

    Dolphin Premium at pool supplies CANADA. You won’t regret buy a Dolphin. Hayward has yet to make a good robotic cleaner.
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    A&A style 1 floor system heads, reasonable cost high quality replacement o-rings?

    If you have a local hydraulic supplier near you they can get those o-rings at a fraction of that cost.
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    Second aquavac in 4 years!

    Water temp has no effect. Tiger shark was one of the first to make robots, Hayward bought them out, rebranded the exact unit as Aqua Vac and I assume, sourced cheaper parts. If you can return it, do so and buy a Maytronics Dolphin.
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    Hayward's New AquaVac 650 - Filterless Robotic Cleaner

    The aquavac500 was a mess from the get go, while this one looks amazing, I too would be hesitant unless it had a serious warranty.
  23. P

    Possible to use DE in robot?

    No, it will just clog the cartridges. They filter down to below less than 10 microns anyways.
  24. P

    Crazy ad price.

    Plus They can fix your windows operating system, offer you a low interest and credit card and, wait for it, a free cruise.
  25. P

    Do Robots have "smart" navigation - does it work - better than vac cleaner?

    It’s just running a program, forward x amount, reverse x amount, turns every x times.
  26. P

    Replacing the mesh on a Dolphin robotic filter

    Not sure why you are blowing through the spring filters but I know I just have an extra set of regular ones complete with housings that I use. If you are using your robot versus a leaf net to get big stuff imo you are asking for trouble.
  27. P

    Hayward's New AquaVac 650 - Filterless Robotic Cleaner

    It works similar to a dyson vacuum cleaner. If it’s that good I say it’s a buy. Love the quick clean process. I do however question it’s filtration,
  28. P

    Hayward's New AquaVac 650 - Filterless Robotic Cleaner

    Hayward bought Tiger Shark years ago, since then they have struggled to build their own. For that price, runaway, get a dolphin. Maytronics is one of, if not the best. Ok, I just researched it and OMG, Dyson meets Robotic pool cleaner, wow!!! BTW, your price of $1,850 is darn good!
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    Dolphin s300i question (super easy)

    Ignore it, it’s old obsolete information that doesn’t account for the buffering of the chlorine by cya. I use my dolphin regardless of my chlorine levels. Still going strong 5 years later.
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    When to change the brushes?

    It’s very common to replace worn brushes and or tracks. It’s a pretty easy DIY job.