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  1. E

    Unknown plumbing connection

    I bought a house last year pool is original to the house about 1988. I have an open connection that goes into the ground that I’d like to know what it is for. 1 is booster return for my “robot” 2 is my filter return 3 is an open connection Don’t mind the mess and open connection I’m in...
  2. 1D5B9BD3-8C51-49DA-B26E-866C410165B7.jpeg


  3. E

    Brand new Circupool sj-45 shuts off after salt and cell lights turn on red

    I'd pull the skimmer lid at the pump, make sure the o-ring looks good and lube it up before reinstalling. Have you ran this in recirculate since you've made your most recent changes? I don't know if you have a discharge position on your filter, but I'd definitely check flow. Perhaps you have a...
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    Brand new Circupool sj-45 shuts off after salt and cell lights turn on red

    I would definitely put the filter on bypass to eliminate as many variables as possible. One thing the support guy told me to check was the oring at my pump and make sure no air was coming in.
  5. E

    Brand-new CircuPool RJ45

    I get my salt strips from amazon.
  6. E

    Circupool SJ-35 Problem

    temp light is either off or red.
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    Circupool SJ-35 Problem

    Since this post got moved to it's own thread, I'll add some details about my problem. I did an install in February this year and within a couple of weeks, I had a problem with the flow light coming on red and thus not making any chlorine. Support sent instructions on how to open the unit and...
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    Brand new Circupool sj-45 shuts off after salt and cell lights turn on red

    Have them send you a flow switch housing. The wire connections are potted under the four screws so no way to verify that the connections are good. Replacing that housing on mine fixed the problem I was having.
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    Circupool SJ-35 Problem

    Moved from HERE @JeaniB , I've been having problems with an SJ35 I purchased earlier this year. I've been through all the steps of "turning the screw" adding a jumper, sending my unit in for repair, installing. a new flow switch and finally having a full unit sent as a replacement. The only...