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  1. J

    Control 4 and Omnilogic

    It downloaded fine for me, so I attached it here, you will need to rename it .c4z You normally need the dealer level software to add drivers into the system. If you've got a licensed version of composer, you just use that driver lookup tool and double click to drop it in the project. Remember...
  2. J

    Control 4 and Omnilogic

    There has been an omnilogic driver available for Control4 for a long time. I'm no longer a C4 dealer, and it's been a few years, but it was a very simple installation. Download the driver, let it connect via SSDP (the C4 device discovery protocol) and enter the username and password for your...
  3. J

    Underground dog fence around the pool

    Why not just put the wire in a conduit sleeve so you can change it out if you have issues? A ground strike can burn up the physical wire, but most of the time it really just knocks out the transmitter instead. Most of the pet fences work on AM radio frequencies, the transmitter sends the...
  4. J


    Thank you, it looks fantastic and I'm sure the patients get a mood lift from the beautiful space.
  5. J


    Your tilework is really impressive, what materials did you use to waterproof and lay the tile?
  6. J

    Door Sensors

    It might seem like overkill, but how about the basic Ring alarm kit? You would not need to add annual monitoring if you just want to be notified, and you would have notifications and control from your phone as well as the keypad. They have the basic kit on sale as a refurb for $100 on Amazon...
  7. J

    How do you figure needed depth for a grotto that people will jump off of ??

    The Ansi Standard doc listed above shows the specifications you need. I read it this way, the height of the "platform" dictates the depth of the pool. so a 50in height needs a type 3 or deeper pool. From the doc: 5.9 Stationary diving platform(s) and diving rock(s). Stationary diving...
  8. J

    Brand New Here...trying to decide on pool type

    We have been having the same discussions as we plan our new build. I grew up dealing with a gunite pool and that's all our neighbors had as well, so I didn't deal with anything but gunite and didn't know any different. Our last neighborhood was full of fiberglass and liner pools and that's...
  9. J

    Where to start? Architect, Landscape Designer, Pool Builder?

    We've been waiting for years to put in a pool and are now in our "forever" home with the backyard space to make it a reality. It's taken almost 2 years just to get the backyard cleaned up enough to understand what we have to work with, lots of tree work, grading etc. While we think we have...
  10. J

    Please recommend an online company to make me a new vinyl inground pool liner

    Just saw your location and thought I'd pass this along, I have not used them personally. If you want a manufacturer in Alabama, try Tara Liners. 2294 Old 431 Highway Owens Cross Roads, Alabama 35763
  11. J

    GFI For Amp Power Exterior Speakers

    Most amps don't even have ground plug, to prevent ground loop hums, so I don't know how a GFCI could help.