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  1. LaughsBrightly

    Draining AGP

    I need to drain our pool so we can level the ground. Last time did it with a pony pump and it took days. I would like to use the actual drain this time. The valve has a screw on cover. Take it off and push something in and valve moves back and water comes out. Looks like it needs a hose...
  2. LaughsBrightly

    Put the pool up...and it's not level by 3 inches

    Back in 2016 my mother-in law bought a 12 x 12 x 48 Bestway steel pole pool and I set it up on the driveweay. Worked fine and water level was less than 1" difference. This past Saturday I am told the pool must go up. My mother-in-law had paid a guy to clean out the area where the 24x12 that...
  3. LaughsBrightly

    Clean algae in drained seasonal pool?

    Hi all! I want to start off my first post by thanking everyone who posts here. When we got this seasonal above-ground pool for summer I found great help here. Using nothing but stuff from Wal-Mart (and PoolMath!) I was able to keep the pool crystal clear all season without breaking the bank...