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  1. T

    Understanding Borates - Do I add them? Benefits?

    I am still fairly new to maintaining my own pool. I was just reading about Borates in the "Borates - Why and How" sticky post. There seems to be a benefit for adding them. Here are my pool stats: FC = 3.8 ph = 7.2 TA = 100 CYA = 25 water temp =78 I occasionally have some algae issues which...
  2. T

    Algae? SLAM?? - Advice please

    Hi Chemicals are balanced. Chemicals have stayed balanced the last two weeks despite some things and I am not adding more chlorine than normal. Today: Water is slightly cloudy today. Noticed green/brown stuff on bottom which I vacuumed, backwashed and rinsed. Green/brown stuff throughout the...
  3. T

    Rotted Bottom Track --- NEW POOL?

    We have been home owners for 2 years. Pool was put in 1998. Pool was inspected prior to move in. Pool is surrounded by a huge and wonderful decking system. We noticed this year that two walls have moved and are out of plum. The top is starting to go towards the water slightly on two sections of...
  4. T

    pH has been increasing - why?

    FC= 4.5 CC=0 pH = 7.8 Alkalinity = 100 Calcium hardness = 160 CYA = 40 My numbers are all good, and water is clear. My husband thinks I over analyze the pool numbers but I can't help but wonder why? I have noticed that the last few weeks my ph has been on the rise. Started at 7.2 then 7.4...
  5. T

    No Free Chlorine...even after adding liquid 12% chlorine

    I am a new pool owner (just moved) and learning a lot! I am a bit confused at what has happened with our pool and need advise before proceeding. Details: Above ground pool, vinyl liner, 15,000 gal, sand filter, chorinator. We used the tabs at the end of last summer without an issue and have...