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  1. R

    Algae spots on the floor of the pool

    I have been using the TFP pool method for 3 months and it has been going well but just this week I have found algae spots on the pool floor. Last nights chemistry test gave me the following results: pH = 8.0 CL = 2 CC = 0 CH = 275 TA = 70 CYA = 40 I added the recommended dose of chlorine...
  2. R

    Thank you!

    I am new to this site and I am so grateful to have found it! Within a month and a half I have taken control of my 7 year old pool for the first time! In this time I have corrected a CH of over 500 down to 250 by getting my own submersible pump and draining down to the deep end bump. The high...