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  1. B

    My readings after about 2.5 inches of rainfall

    I have my test kit Taylor 2006 and I put all my numbers in the poolmath..... FC=6.5 CC=0.5 PH=7.5 TA=125 CYA=40 (outside but cloudy no sun ...till I no longer see black dot) CH 425 Water Temp 80 My TA is high and CH....poolmath says just to add to CYA but nothing for TA is this right? Thank...
  2. B

    Water Balanced/No Chlorine producing from the SWG

    Hello we are new to this and trying to figure what our problem is.. We took a sample water to the pool store: She told us other than not having chlorine everything else was fine. We just had C60 Pentair SWG put on in place of the C40 (this was replaced because it was not making salt) We also...