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  1. A

    Still CLOUDY

    Hello 1./ I opened the pool 12 days ago and have been SLAMing it since then. It was a thick green swamp. Now it is just cloudy, and has been for 5 days with no improvement. Do I just stay the course, continue SLAMing, and be patient? Do I try some Sand Aid powder or some Clarifier? CC is...
  2. A

    CYA question and more

    Hello, I am a newbie and have been SLAMing my pool for 9 days. It has gone from nasty green to cloudy blue, but has been stuck at cloudy blue for 3 days. We have cleaned the sand filter and added DE. I am still losing 3ppm consistently over night, so I know I am not done. We have dismantled...
  3. A

    black algae/mustard algae

    TC - FC -10+ CC - pH - 7.2 TA -140 CH - 170 CYA -50 Hello, I am a new user, found this site yesterday. Spent the day educating myself from it. Thank you for all the information. I am officially DONE with the local pool shop! I ordered my 2006 taylor kit, but had to start SLAMing the pool...