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  1. RyeRock23

    Trouble Maintaining Free Chlorine after Opening this year

    We opened our pool almost 3 weeks ago and have not swam in it yet. Pool company said we lost too much chlorine over the winter and "shocked" it at opening. We only use the company to open/close, I do all the maintenance in between myself. After letting their shock levels come down, I began...
  2. RyeRock23

    FC Very Slow to Come Down Following SLAM

    First timer here. CYA is 50 so I shocked with liquid chlorine to 20 ppm FC. Pool is crystal clear, no CC now and less than 1 overnight FC loss. It's been 2 days since I stopped adding Chlorine and FC is at 9.5. Pool has been uncovered for half of this time (required to cover overnight)...
  3. RyeRock23

    Combined Chlorine Test

    Is there a test out there that ONLY measures Combined Chlorine? I am currently using the Taylor K-2006C test kit and am having trouble pinning down an exact combined chlorine number. When I test using 10mls in which 1 drop = 0.5ppm, the combined chlorine reagent does turn sample to a slight...
  4. RyeRock23

    Can't Get Alkalinity Under Control

    Only had the pool for about a month now (new install). Installer filled it with our garden hose despite telling us he would be trucking in "pool water." Alkalinity has been sky high since day 1. I have been using AquaChek 7-way pool strips and the highest it goes is 240 which it always reads...
  5. RyeRock23

    Pump Speed and Run Time for Variable Speed Pump and Salt Chlorine Generator

    Hello! First time pool owner here so I apologize for my ignorance or assumptions up front. There are so many posts, data and opinions out there on this topic that as a first time pool owner I don't know what to believe or trust... or even how to make sense of it at this point. Equipment is in...