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  1. S

    When to buy a new spa cover?

    Hi fellow spa owners! I have owned a used spa for a few years now that came along with our house. The cover has always had a dip on one side, and that allows rain to pool in that part of the cover instead of rolling off. I'm always lifting the cover to remove that pool of water. Additionally...
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    Bromine is always high

    Hi all, I maintain a spa that is about 300-350 gallons. The water always looks clear after treating for metals when I do my quarterly/biannual emptying and refilling. But, my bromine levels ALWAYS test super high. Even when my pH is fully balanced. We don't use the spa much at all (it came...
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    Help me choose a new heater

    Hi, I have a 23k gallon inground pool with a SWG. Everything has been going well the past couple of years of pool ownership thanks to this great forum. But, my pool heater died. I have an electric heater, and my pool guy is recommending that I keep an electric heater (as opposed to gas) based...
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    Variable Speed Pump--which one?

    I have a 23k gallon vinyl liner pool, and am installing a SWCG and a variable pump this year. The pool guy I use to open and close my pool is providing me estimates for the Hayward 1.65hp MaxFlo VS or the Hayward 1.85hp TriStar VS. Between these two, which one would you choose? Is the more...
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    Pool guy is recommending Hayward Aquarite S3 40k for my 23k pool--thoughts? Is it big enough?

    Hi all, I bought a home with a 23k gallon inground pool last year. I was a bit scared of maintenance at first, but thanks to the great help here, maintained it so it was crystal clear all season last year. This year, I would like to install a SWG to simplify maintenance. I have two small kids...
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    Preventative Care During Power Outages

    It is a scorcher here today and we just had a power outage. Which got me thinking . . . What should I do to care for my pool in an extended power outage? They are not infrequent in my area. We actually bought a generator after a week-long outage, but it is set up to shed load from our pool and...
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    Slight yellow tinge to water

    Good afternoon all, I was performing my normal testing/maintenance on my hot tub yesterday and noticed the water looks a little yellow. Not bad, just a slight yellow tint that isn't normal. This happened about a month or so ago when I drained and refilled but the color was more intense--the...
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    Drained and refilled with green city water

    I just did my routine drain and refill process (including an Ahhsome treatment before draining), and when I came back to turn off my hose, I noticed the water is pretty green. I've never had sanitation or algae issues before, and my water looked great before cleaning. Additionally, when I put...
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    What to do with unused trichlor, Frog bac pac, and MPS?

    I am a new pool owner who has adopted the BBB/TFPC methods and accordingly, I don't use the bucket of dichlor, Frog bac pacs, or MPS that the previous owner left in our pool shed. What should I do with it? Should I hang onto the trichlor in case I ever need to increase my CYA? (It is currently...
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    Storing bromine

    I have an inground pool and a separate above ground (but nested in a deck) spa. I use bromine to sanitize the spa, but chlorine for the pool. I have read about how to store certain pool chemicals separately, but can't find anything online about storing bromine. I will of course read the back...
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    Can I empty frog chlorinator and only use liquid chlorine?

    I moved into a home that comes with a 23,000 gallon inground chlorine pool. We just opened it, and I'm planning to maintain it myself, except for professional opening and closing. The past owners installed a Frog branded chlorinator system that is somehow hooked up to my filter pump. My pool...
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    Newbie trying to balance chlorine

    Good afternoon everyone, We moved into a house with a ~23,000 gallon chlorine inground pool that had been (we are told) properly winterized by a professional. The cover was a safety cover that looked pretty solid, although I don't know the difference between what a mesh v. non-mesh cover looks...
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    Please help this newbie

    Hi all, I inherited a spa recently and am having difficulty with a few things. First, I should say I started off with a spa with water. I don't really plan to use the spa until spring, but I want to keep the thing sanitized and balanced over the winter until I can drain and refill the thing...